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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
As with the beginning of the twentieth century, when food safety standards and the therapeutic benefits of certain foods and supplements first caught the public's attention, the dawn of the twenty-first century finds a great social priority placed on the science of food safety.
9 p hcmute 31/08/2020 389 2
Từ khóa: Food industry and trade -- Safety measures, Food industry and trade -- Sanitation, I. Rodrick, Gary E.
Food safety : Basic concepts, recent issues, and future challenges
This book is designed to integrate the basic concepts of food safety with current developments and challenges in food safety and authentication. The first part describes basics of food safety, classification of food toxins, regulation and risk assessment. The second part focuses on particular toxins like mycotoxins, aromatic amines, heavy metals, pesticides, and polycyclic hydrocarbons. Recent developments and improvements in the detection of...
9 p hcmute 31/08/2020 520 2
Từ khóa: Chemistry -- Analytic, Food -- Biotechnology, Food safety, I. Iqbal, Shahzad Zafar, II. Selamat, Jinap.
Food safety : the science of keeping food safe
"Food safety is a modern concept. Remarkably, it is only in the last 200 years that such concepts as food borne germs, and the means of combating them (such as antiseptics and refrigeration), have been popularized. Yet in the 21st Century, consumers in the developed world do not accept that the food which they purchase and consume might carry a risk of making them ill--that our food should be safe is something we all take for granted. Food...
12 p hcmute 31/08/2020 277 2
Từ khóa: Food -- Analysis, Food -- Safety measures, Food contamination.
Measurements of food quality parameters, such as physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory parameters are necessary to characterize both existing and newly developed food products, to avoid possible adulteratios/ contaminations, and thus, control their quality at every stage of production/distribution or storage at industrial and laboratory scales. Several methodologies are reported in literature that allow quantifying different quality...
9 p hcmute 28/08/2020 297 2
Từ khóa: Food -- Analysis, Food, Analysis, Safety measures.
HACCP : A food industry briefing series
A concise, easy to use, quick reference book. * Contains information needed to gain a working knowledge of HACCP. * Written by people who have proven experience in the field, in both large and small business and on an international basis.
10 p hcmute 28/08/2020 491 6
Từ khóa: Food adulteration and inspection, Food adulteration and inspection, Food handling, Hazard analysis and critical control point (food safety system), Safety measures.
Guide to food safety and quality during transportation : Controls, standards and practices
This book includes FDA and USDA Guidance information, standards and certification, and food safety and quality planning procedures to establish a foundation for transportation system prevention, implementation, standardization, measurement and improvement. It explores food transportation in transition including science, research, current writings and law.
12 p hcmute 14/08/2020 421 1
Từ khóa: Food -- Transportation -- Safety measures, Food, Food adulteration and inspection, Food industry and trade, Safety measures, Transportation
Dairy microbiology : A practical approach
The objective of this book is to provide a scientific background to dairy microbiology by re-examining the basic concepts of general food microbiology and the microbiology of raw milk while offering a practical approach to the following aspects: well-known and newfound pathogens that are of major concern to the dairy industry Topics addressed include Cronobactersakazakii and its importance to infant formula milk or Mycobacterium avium...
5 p hcmute 29/07/2020 374 1
Từ khóa: Dairy Products Microbiology, Dairy Products, Food, Probiotics, Microbiology, Safety measures
Dairy microbiology : A practical approach
The objective of this book is to provide a scientific background to dairy microbiology by re-examining the basic concepts of general food microbiology and the microbiology of raw milk while offering a practical approach to the following aspects: well-known and newfound pathogens that are of major concern to the dairy industry. Topics addressed include Cronobactersakazakii and its importance to infant formula milk or Mycobacterium avium...
11 p hcmute 29/07/2020 380 1
Từ khóa: Dairy Products -- Microbiology, Dairy Products, Food, Probiotics, Microbiology, Safety measures. I. Papademas, Photis. II. Title: Dairy microbiology : . III. Title: A practical approach / . IV. Title: Photis Papademas (Editor)
Môn học An toàn công nghiệp & môi trường thực phẩm đề cập tới một số kiến thức về khoa học môi trường, ô nhiễm môi trường và quan hệ giữa con người và môi trường. Các vấn đề về vệ sinh môi trường công nghiệp và an toàn lao động trong công nghiệp.
21 p hcmute 05/11/2019 558 2
Từ khóa: Đề cương chi tiết môn học, An toàn công nghiệp & môi trường thực phẩm, Industrial Safety And Food Environment, Ngành Kỹ thuật Nữ Công