» Từ khóa: sliding mode control techniques

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Control Of The Pendubot Using Sliding Mode Control Techniques

    Control Of The Pendubot Using Sliding Mode Control Techniques

    This paper presents the design of the control law on the basis of sliding control techniques for Pendubot system. The mathematical model of the system is built to Pendubot platform for the design of control laws. A hierarchical sliding mode controller is designed to achieve the objective of stabilizing Pendubot in unstable equilibrium point of it. The saturation function is included to replace signum function to reduce chattering phenomena in...

     6 p hcmute 16/11/2016 524 6

    Từ khóa: Control Techniques, The Pendubot, Sliding Mode Control Techniques

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