» Từ khóa: Selling

Kết quả 1-10 trong khoảng 10
  • Building a website for selling fashion

    Building a website for selling fashion

    Building a website for selling fashion: Graduation project of Information Technology/ Phan Hoàng Long, Nguyen Quang Minh; Le Van Vinh (Advisor)--Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, 2023 Call no.: CTT-10 006.7 P535-L848

     71 p hcmute 22/02/2024 232 5

    Từ khóa: Selling fashion, Website, Le Van Vinh, eadvisor

  • Building a sell course website using reactjs and springboot

    Building a sell course website using reactjs and springboot

    Building a sell course website using reactjs and springboot: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Information technology/ Nguyen Quyet Sinh, Thong Chu Thanh; Le Vinh Thinh (Supervisor). -- Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2022 149p.; 30cm

     153 p hcmute 15/05/2023 152 3

    Từ khóa: Sell course website, Website

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