» Từ khóa: models

Kết quả 37-39 trong khoảng 39
  • Food plant design

    Food plant design

    Food plant design / by Antonio Lopez Gomez and Gustavo V. Barbosa Canovas. -- New York : Marcel Dekker/CRC Press, 2005 xxii, 388 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1574446029 1. Food industry and trade -- Mathematical models. I. Barbosa-Cánovas, Gustavo V. Dewey Class no. : 664 -- dc 22 Call no. : 664 L864 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN004519 (DHSPKT --...

     12 p hcmute 22/10/2013 546 2

    Từ khóa: Food industry and trade, Mathematical models

  • Poverty Impact Analysis

    Poverty Impact Analysis

    To be able to use the functionality of PRISM in full, users have to register in the system by entering their user identifi cation and password (which are not case sensitive) and clicking the REGISTER NOW menu. The registration is needed to enable the users to receive a confi rmation e-mail message when their simulations are done so that they can view the results.

     324 p hcmute 28/05/2012 354 1

    Từ khóa: CES Function, Equilibrium Model, Equilibrium Model, Running a Simulation, Customize a Scenario, Impact Analysis

  • Poverty Impact Analysis

    Poverty Impact Analysis

    To be able to use the functionality of PRISM in full, users have to register in the system by entering their user identifi cation and password (which are not case sensitive) and clicking the REGISTER NOW menu. The registration is needed to enable the users to receive a confi rmation e-mail message when their simulations are done so that they can view the results.

     324 p hcmute 28/05/2012 599 1

    Từ khóa: CES Function, Equilibrium Model, Equilibrium Model, Running a Simulation, Customize a Scenario, Impact Analysis

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