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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Measurement and instrumentation : Theory and application
Students to the measurement principles and the range of sensors and instruments that are used for measuring physical variables. Based on Morris's Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, this brand new text has been fully updated with coverage of the latest developments in such measurement technologies as smart sensors, intelligent instruments, microsensors, digital recorders and displays and interfaces. Clearly and comprehensively written,...
18 p hcmute 23/02/2023 333 2
Từ khóa: Automatic control, Engineering instruments, Measurement.
Biomedical sensors and instruments
Biomedical sensors and instruments/ Tatsuo Togawa, Toshiyo Tamura, P. Åke Öberg. -- Second edition. -- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011 xiii, 409p. : ill. 26cm Dùng cho môn học Công nghệ cảm biến Y sinh Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9781420090789 1. Biomedical engineering. 2. Diagnostic Equipment. 3. Monitoring, Physiologic -- instrumentation. 4. Monitoring,...
13 p hcmute 24/11/2022 426 0
Từ khóa: Biomedical engineering, Diagnostic Equipment, Monitoring, Physiologic -- instrumentation, Monitoring, Physiologic -- methods, Physiology -- Measurement -- Instruments, Transducers
Process control instrumentation technology
Updated to reflect new digital technology and the specialization and complexity in the field, here is an introduction to applied process control concepts, design, and technology. This new edition now features a chapter devoted entirely to the control of discrete-state processing systems.
10 p hcmute 13/08/2020 412 2
Từ khóa: Engineering instruments, Process control
A Textbook Of Electrical Technology 25th Edition is a comprehensive book for electrical engineering students. The book comprises chapters, which cover the entire syllabus of electrical engineering in brief. In addition, the book has multicolor illustrations, which help the students in understanding the concepts better. This book is essential for electrical engineering students and educators alike.
14 p hcmute 29/07/2020 513 2
Từ khóa: Dynamics, Electric power consumption, Electric power distribution, Electric power transmission, Electrical engineering, Electricity, Electronics, Embedded computer systems, Engineering, Engineering design, Engineering instruments -- Design and construction, Engineering mathematics, Machine design, Management information systems, Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering -- Computer simulation, Mechanical movements, Mechanics, Applied, Mechatronics, Microcomputers, Microcontrollers, Microsoft .NET Framework, Physics, Process control, Process monitoring, Programmable controllers, Programming languages (Electronic computers), System design, Textbooks
Electrical measuring instruments and measurements
This book underlines the importance of quantitative knowledge and of acquiring experience in conducting measurements, as much as the inevitable role of accuracy and error. With a pleasant presentation style, this book provides a complete learning module on the topic
9 p hcmute 28/07/2020 401 3
Từ khóa: Electric measurements, Electric measurements -- Instruments, Electronic instruments, Electronic measurements, Measuring insttruments.
Modularity of orthopedic implants
This is the first publication of it's kind to present a complete compilation of research on testing methods of potential use in orthopedic implant product development. 18 comprehensive peer reviewed papers are divided into 3 key categories: Clinical Relevance - An extensive survey of material on total shoulder arthroplasty is provided in one paper. Issues of Concern - 5 papers evaluate wide ranging topics including product corrosion and test...
7 p hcmute 23/07/2020 333 2
Từ khóa: Hip prosthesis, Instrumentation, Material testing, Phẫu thuật chỉnh hình
Operating room and intensive care alarms and information transfer
In order for this to become economically feasible, networked personal computer, using the most common industry standard, would be employed. The most common industry standard today is the IBM PC and compatibles running under MS-DOS, soon to be replaced by PS/2-MCA systems and the OS/2 operating system. To get enough computing power, without having to go to larger machines, multiprocessing with dedicated processors employing the bus arbitration...
8 p hcmute 23/07/2020 373 1
Từ khóa: Monitor alarm (medicine, Congresses, Monitoring, physiologic, Instrumentation, Congresses, Patient monitoring, Data processing, Congresses, Phẫu thuật, Kỹ thuật phòng mổ, Signal Processing, computer, Assisted, Congresses
Advanced engineering mathematics
Through previous editions, Peter O'Neil has made rigorous engineering mathematics topics accessible to thousands of students by emphasizing visuals, numerous examples, and interesting mathematical models. Now, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" features revised examples and problems as well as newly added content that has been fine-tuned throughout to improve the clear flow of ideas. The computer plays a more prominent role than ever in...
12 p hcmute 23/07/2020 511 8
Từ khóa: Control theory, Detectors -- Design and construction, Dynamics, Engineering, Engineering design, Engineering instruments -- Design and construction, Engineering mathematics, Machine design, Management information systems, Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering -- Computer simulation, Mechanical movements, Mechanics, Applied, Mechatronics, Microcomputers, Microsoft .NET Framework, Physics, Process control, Process monitoring, Programming languages (Electronic computers), System design, Textbooks
Measurement and Instrumentation Principles
'Measurement and Instrumentation Principles' is the latest edition of a successful book that introduces undergraduate students to the measurement principles and the range of sensors and instruments that are used for measuring physical variables. Completely updated to include new technologies such as smart sensors, displays and interfaces, the 3rd edition also contains plenty of worked examples and self-assessment questions (and solutions). In...
16 p hcmute 29/05/2020 350 2
Từ khóa: Measurement and Instrumentation Principles; Alan S Morris
Process control instrumentation technology
This manual is designed to provide users with an understanding and appreciation of some of the theoretical concepts behind control system elements and operations, without the need of advanced math and theory. It also presents some of the practical details of how elements of a control system are designed and operated, such as would be gained from on-the-job experience. This middle ground of knowledge enables users to design the elements of a...
5 p hcmute 14/05/2020 479 3
Từ khóa: Process control instrumentation technology; Curtis D. Johnson
Sau khi thực hiện xong đồ án này sinh viên có khả năng: tìm tài liệu, nghiên cứu một vấn đề về lĩnh vực thiết bị y tế dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên. Có khả năng viết tiểu luận – tóm tắt và khả năng trình bày trước hội đồng giáo viên. Có thể thi công mạch điện tử về lĩnh vực thiết bị y tế và củng cố, nâng cao kiến thức và tay...
1 p hcmute 24/04/2020 1296 22
Môn học này có ba thành phần: bài giảng trên lớp, thí nghiệm, và đề tài môn học. Phần bài giảng nhấn mạnh đến các nguyên tắc thiết kế trang thiết bị y tế và phân tích tín hiệu y sinh. Các chủ đề bao gồm nguồn gốc của điện thế sinh học, đặc điểm của các loại tín hiệu sinh học khác nhau, các cảm biến, bộ khuếch đại, thiết bị...
1 p hcmute 23/04/2020 664 12