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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Design of the automatic attendance register and student concentration level monitoring system
Design of the automatic attendance register and student concentration level monitoring system: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the electronic and communication engineering technology/ Le Xuan Tuan Dat, Truong Khac Huy; Truong Ngoc Son (Supervisor). -- Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2022 55p.; 30cm.
58 p hcmute 15/05/2023 258 2
Từ khóa: Automatic attendance register, Design, Student
"Systems Analysis and Design" by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta M. Roth is a comprehensive guide to the process of analyzing and designing information systems. The book covers various topics related to systems analysis and design such as requirements gathering, system design, and implementation. The book starts with an introduction to systems analysis and design, followed by an overview of the system development life cycle....
14 p hcmute 09/05/2023 413 5
Từ khóa: Computer architecture, System analysis, System design, Roth, Roberta M, Wixom, Barbara Haley.
Analysis and design of prestressed concrete
Analysis and design of prestressed concrete/ Di Hu. -- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022 xxiii, 436 p.: ill, 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kết cấu bê tông ứng lực trước nâng cao ngành Xây dựng Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9780128244258 1. Prestressed concrete -- Analysis. 2. Prestressed concrete -- Design. Dewey Class no. : 624.183 412 -- dc 23 Call no. :...
21 p hcmute 03/04/2023 269 0
Từ khóa: Prestressed concrete -- Analysis, Prestressed concrete -- Design
Advanced steel design of structures
"Advanced Steel Design of Structures examines the design principles of steel members under special loads and covers special geometric forms and conditions not typically presented in standard design books. It explains advanced concepts in a simple manner using numerous illustrative examples and MATLAB® codes. Features: Provides analysis of members under unsymmetrical bending Includes coverage of structures with special geometry and their use...
19 p hcmute 03/04/2023 299 2
Từ khóa: Building, Iron and steel, Steel, Structural -- Design and construction, Structural design
Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials
Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials/ J.Y. Richard Liew, Ming-Xiang Xiong, Bing-Lin Lai. -- Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2021 vi, 246 p.: ill, 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kết cấu thép - BTCT ngành Xây dựng Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9780128233962 1. Building, Iron and steel. 2. Composite construction. 3. Concrete construction....
8 p hcmute 03/04/2023 248 0
Từ khóa: Building, Iron and steel, Composite construction, Concrete construction, Structural design
Lịch sử Design/ Lê Huy Văn, Trần Văn Bình. -- Tái bản. -- H.: Xây dựng, 2021. -243tr.; 24cm Dùng cho môn học Lịch sử nghệ thuật. Call no. : 745.4 L433-V217
11 p hcmute 24/02/2023 739 16
Từ khóa: Design, Lịch sử mỹ thuật công nghiệp, Mỹ thuật công nghiệp
Practical data acquisition for instrumentation and control systems
Covers all aspects of the data acquisition system from design and specification to programming, installation and configuration * Gives both the novice and experienced user a solid understanding of interfacing the PC and standalone instruments to real-world signals from the laboratory to the industrial plant * Provides a thorough grasp of PC data acquisition systems and the ability to design, specify, install and configure and program data...
16 p hcmute 23/02/2023 269 0
Từ khóa: Automatic control, Automatic data collection systems, Computer interfaces, Computer science, Management information systems, Microcomputers, Microsoft .NET Framework, Process control, System design.
Assessment of student achievement
Assessment of student achievement/ Gavin T. L. Brown. -- New York; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017 154 p.; 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kiểm tra đánh giá Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9781138061866. Call no. : 371.261 B877
4 p hcmute 31/01/2023 364 2
Environmental engineering: fundamentals, sustainability, design
Environmental engineering: fundamentals, sustainability, design/ James R. Mihelcic, Julie Beth Zimmerman. -- 3rd ed. -- Hoboken: Wiley, 2021 xxiii, 703 p.: ill, 25cm Dùng cho môn học Tiếng anh chuyên ngành công nghệ môi trường Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9781119604457 1. Environmental engineering -- Textbooks. 2. Sustainable design -- Textbooks. 3. Sustainable...
5 p hcmute 23/12/2022 346 0
Từ khóa: Environmental engineering -- Textbooks, Sustainable design -- Textbooks, Sustainable engineering -- Textbooks.
Digital design: with an introdution to the verilog HDL, VHDL, and systemverilog
"A modern update to a classic, authoritative text, Digital Design, 6th Edition teaches the fundamental concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The text presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications. Like the previous editions, this edition of Digital Design supports a multimodal approach to learning, with a focus on digital design, regardless...
10 p hcmute 20/12/2022 647 27
Từ khóa: Digital integrated circuits, Electronic digital computers -- Circuits, Logic circuits, Logic design. I. Ciletti, Michael D.
Decoupling control Analysis, design and tuning for multivariable processes
Decoupling Control: Analysis, Design, And Tuning For Multivariable Processes/ Truong Nguyen Luan Vu, Vo Lam Chuong. -- Ho Chi Minh City: HCMC - VNU Publishing house, 2022 179p.; 24cm Dùng cho môn học Kỹ thuật điều khiển tự động hiện đại ISBN 9786047381326 1. Decoupling. I. Trương Nguyễn Luân Vũ. II. Vo Lam Chuong. Dewey Class no. : 629.8 -- dc 23 Call no. : 629.8 T871-V986
182 p hcmute 25/08/2022 474 28
Từ khóa: Decoupling control Analysis; design; Decoupling; Trương Nguyễn Luân Vũ
Basis design: Principles and practice
Basis design: Principles and practice/ Kenneth F. Bates. -- 1st ed. -- New York: The world publishing Co., 1960. 174p. includes index; 24cm. Dewey Class no. : 620.0042 -- dc 21 Call no. : 620.0042 B329
7 p hcmute 22/07/2022 250 4
Từ khóa: 1. Design. 2. Thiết kế.