» Từ khóa: roth

Kết quả 1-4 trong khoảng 4
  • Systems analysis and design

    Systems analysis and design

    "Systems Analysis and Design" by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta M. Roth is a comprehensive guide to the process of analyzing and designing information systems. The book covers various topics related to systems analysis and design such as requirements gathering, system design, and implementation. The book starts with an introduction to systems analysis and design, followed by an overview of the system development life cycle....

     14 p hcmute 09/05/2023 426 5

    Từ khóa: Computer architecture, System analysis, System design, Roth, Roberta M, Wixom, Barbara Haley.

  • Nghệ thuật vào đời và lập nghiệp T.Woolf

    Nghệ thuật vào đời và lập nghiệp T.Woolf

    Nghệ thuật vào đời và lập nghiệp T.Woolf, C. Roth; người dịch: Thanh Lâm . -- Lần Thứ 1. -- Hà Nội: Nxb. Hà Nội, 1995 166tr.; 19cm Summary: Nội dung chính: Dewey Class no. : 155.23 -- dc 21Call no. : 155.23 R845

     4 p hcmute 06/04/2022 202 0

    Từ khóa: 1. Tâm lý học nhân cách. I. C.Roth. II. Thanh Lâm.

  • The laplace transform

    The laplace transform

    The classical theory of the Laplace Transform can open many new avenues when viewed from a modern, semi-classical point of view. In this book, the author re-examines the Laplace Transform and presents a study of many of the applications to differential equations, differential-difference equations and the renewal equation.

     11 p hcmute 20/07/2020 265 1

    Từ khóa: Laplace transform. I. Roth, Robert.

  • Systems analysis & Design

    Systems analysis & Design

    Systems Analysis and Design 6th Edition provides you with a hands-on practical approach to Systems Analysis and Design, while also focusing on developing the core set of skills that all modern analysts must possess. With the new edition you will finish your course with experience that forms a rich foundation for your future career and work as a systems analyst.

     7 p hcmute 31/12/2019 360 1

    Từ khóa: Systems analysis & Design, Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth

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