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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Advanced steel design of structures
"Advanced Steel Design of Structures examines the design principles of steel members under special loads and covers special geometric forms and conditions not typically presented in standard design books. It explains advanced concepts in a simple manner using numerous illustrative examples and MATLAB® codes. Features: Provides analysis of members under unsymmetrical bending Includes coverage of structures with special geometry and their use...
19 p hcmute 03/04/2023 347 2
Từ khóa: Building, Iron and steel, Steel, Structural -- Design and construction, Structural design
Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials
Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials/ J.Y. Richard Liew, Ming-Xiang Xiong, Bing-Lin Lai. -- Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2021 vi, 246 p.: ill, 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kết cấu thép - BTCT ngành Xây dựng Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9780128233962 1. Building, Iron and steel. 2. Composite construction. 3. Concrete construction....
8 p hcmute 03/04/2023 287 0
Từ khóa: Building, Iron and steel, Composite construction, Concrete construction, Structural design
Assessment of student achievement
Assessment of student achievement/ Gavin T. L. Brown. -- New York; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017 154 p.; 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kiểm tra đánh giá Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9781138061866. Call no. : 371.261 B877
4 p hcmute 31/01/2023 401 2
Heating and cooling of buildings
The art and the science of building systems design evolve continuously as designers, practitioners, and researchers all endeavor to improve the performance of buildings and the comfort and productivity of their occupants. Retaining coverage from the original second edition while updating the information in electronic form, this Revised Second Edition presents the technical basis for designing the lighting and mechanical systems of buildings....
20 p hcmute 23/05/2022 340 0
Từ khóa: Heating -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and construction, Ventilation -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and construction. I. Curtiss, Peter. II. Rabl, Ari.
This book provides an introduction to the design and mechanical development of reciprocating piston engines for vehicular applications. Beginning from the determination of required displacement, coverage moves into engine configuration and architecture. Critical layout dimensions and design trade-offs are then presented. Coverage continues with material and casting process selection for the cylinder block and heads. Each major engine component...
12 p hcmute 24/08/2020 485 2
Từ khóa: Automobiles -- Motors -- Crankshafts, Automobiles, Internal combustion engines, Motor vehicles, Spark ignition engines, Crankshafts, Design and construction, Motors, Pistons and piston rings.
Introduction to analytical methods for internal combustion engine cam mechanisms
Modern design methods of Automotive Cam Design require the computation of a range of parameters. This book provides a logical sequence of steps for the derivation of the relevant equations from first principles, for the more widely used cam mechanisms. Although originally derived for use in high performance engines, this work is equally applicable to the design of mass produced automotive and other internal combustion engines. Introduction to...
14 p hcmute 24/08/2020 506 2
Từ khóa: Automobiles -- Motors, Automobiles, Cams, Engineering design, Design and construction. 6. Motors. I. Title: Introduction to analytical methods for internal combustion engine cam mechanisms / . II. Title: J. J. Williams.
English/Chinese bilingual. Hospital is an indispensable part of the human life. It is one of the most complex but also the most interesting architecture types. The book is a collection of selected hospital projects completed during the last five years. It will give the readers detailed information and suggestion about the key points of hospital design.
5 p hcmute 17/08/2020 437 1
Từ khóa: Hospital architecture, Hospital architecture, Hospital buildings, Design and construction
Tall building design : Steel, concrete, and composite systems
Offering guidance on how to use code-based procedures while at the same time providing an understanding of why provisions are necessary, Tall Building Design: Steel, Concrete, and Composite Systems methodically explores the structural behavior of steel, concrete, and composite members and systems. This text establishes the notion that design is a creative process, and not just an execution of framing proposals. It cultivates imaginative...
18 p hcmute 17/08/2020 406 1
Từ khóa: Building, Iron and steel, Composite construction, Concrete construction, Tall buildings, Tall buildings -- Design and construction
FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples: Xilinx Spartan -3 version
FPGA Prototyping Using Verilog Examples will provide you with a hands-on introduction to Verilog synthesis and FPGA programming through a "learn by doing" approach. By following the clear, easy-to-understand templates for code development and the numerous practical examples, you can quickly develop and simulate a sophisticated digital circuit, realize it on a prototyping device, and verify the operation of its physical implementation. This...
19 p hcmute 13/08/2020 698 10
Từ khóa: Field programmable gate arrays--Design and construction, Prototypes, Engineering, Verilog
This book was first published in 1959 with Eldon J. Yoder as the sole author. It was developed largely from lecture notes prepared for a graduate course on pavement design taught at Puedua University.
14 p hcmute 12/08/2020 280 1
Từ khóa: Pavements -- Design and construction, Pavements, Design and construction
Modern processor design : Fundamentals of supercalar processors
Brings together numerous micro architectural techniques for harvesting instruction-level parallelism (ILP) to achieve better processor performance that have been proposed and implemented in machines. This book also features other advanced techniques from research efforts that extend beyond ILP to exploit thread-level parallelism (TLP).
17 p hcmute 12/08/2020 313 1
Từ khóa: Microprocessors -- Design and construction, Vi xử lý -- Thiết kế và kiến trúc
With innovations ranging from the advent of Superpave™, the data generated by the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) project, to the recent release of the Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design guide developed under NCHRP Study 1-37A, the field of pavement engineering is experiencing significant development. Pavement Design and Materials is a practical reference for both students and practicing engineers that explores all the aspects of...
20 p hcmute 12/08/2020 343 1
Từ khóa: Pavements -- Design and construction, Pavements, Road materials, Design and construction