Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials

Design of steel-concrete composite structures using high-strength materials/ J.Y. Richard Liew, Ming-Xiang Xiong, Bing-Lin Lai. -- Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2021
vi, 246 p.: ill, 25 cm
Dùng cho môn học Kết cấu thép - BTCT ngành Xây dựng
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 9780128233962

1. Building, Iron and steel. 2. Composite construction. 3. Concrete construction. 4. Structural design. I. Lai, Bing-Lin. II. Xiong, Ming-Xiang.

Dewey Class no. : 624.182 1 -- dc 23
Call no. : 624.1821 L722
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