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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples: Xilinx Spartan -3 version
FPGA Prototyping Using Verilog Examples will provide you with a hands-on introduction to Verilog synthesis and FPGA programming through a "learn by doing" approach. By following the clear, easy-to-understand templates for code development and the numerous practical examples, you can quickly develop and simulate a sophisticated digital circuit, realize it on a prototyping device, and verify the operation of its physical implementation. This...
19 p hcmute 13/08/2020 698 10
Từ khóa: Field programmable gate arrays--Design and construction, Prototypes, Engineering, Verilog
Rapid prototyping: Principles & applications in manufacturing
Rapid prototyping (RP) has revolutionized how prototypes are made and small batch manufacturing is carried out. With rapid prototyping, The strategies used to produce a part change a number of important considerations and limitations previously faced by tool designers and engineers. Now in its third edition, this textbook is still the definitive text on RP. it covers the key RP processes, The available models and specifications, and their...
17 p hcmute 24/07/2020 356 1
Từ khóa: CAD/CAM systems, Rapid prototyping, Solid freeform fabrication
Rapid prototyping: Theory and Practice/ edited by Ali Kamrani and Emad Abouel Nasr
Up-to-date documentation on the current scope of the research of Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Manufacturing. Explains and details the latest techniques and materials used for RP, RT and RM. Develops methodologies and technologies to support in a customer-focused product design and mass customization approach to production. call no: 620.0042
17 p hcmute 15/05/2020 314 1
Từ khóa: Rapid prototyping:; Ali K. Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr
Research, design and construct an autonomous human detection and tracking quadcopter prototype
running a Deep learning model like Object detection costs a lot of computational power, especially for an embedded computer like a Raspberry Pi. However, my work keeps the processing speed of the whole system fast enough for real-time implementation by combining an expensive Deep learning model with an inexpensive image-processing based tracking technique. The proposed method can achieve 3 to 4 FPS on Raspberry Pi which is faster than 0.63...
22 p hcmute 18/12/2019 600 15
Từ khóa: Research, design and construct an autonomous human detection and tracking quadcopter prototype, LE MANH CUONG
Việc thiết kế và chế tạo máy tách gạch tôm ra khỏi đầu tôm xuất phát từ tình trạng lãng phí lượng phụ phẩm của quá trình chế biến thủy sản. Việc nghiên cứu và chế tạo máy mang ý nghĩa thực tiễn cao
29 p hcmute 13/06/2018 586 3
Từ khóa: Real situation: thực trạng; Prototype: mô hình mẫu; Testing operation: chạy thử
Prototyping and Low-Volume Production
Designers are presented with a myriad of choices when preparing work for manufacture. Whether professionals or students, they must be thoroughly knowledgeable about how their designs can be produced efficiently and effectively.
7 p hcmute 03/04/2018 426 1
FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples: Xilinx Spartan -3 version
FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples: Xilinx Spartan -3 version/ Pong P. Chu. -- Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley & Sons, 2008 488p.; 26cm ISBN 9780470185322 1. Field programmable gate arrays--Design and construction. 2. Prototypes, Engineering. 3. Verilog (Computer hardware description language) . Dewey Class no. : 621.395 -- dc 22Call no. : 621.395 C559 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006695 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
20 p hcmute 13/05/2013 571 3
Từ khóa: 1. Field programmable gate arrays--Design and construction. 2. Prototypes, Engineering. 3. Verilog (Computer hardware description language) .