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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
The Magic Mirror of M.C.ESCHER
This is the most comprehensive look we have ever had of Escher's enigmatic life and his whole range of work. Throughout this superb volume we are shown, with the aid of sketches and diagrams, how the artist arrived at his most provocative creations. Perhaps no other contemporary artist so awakens our sense of wonder at the grand designs to be found in our world - even in the commonplace. To see an Escher print is to discover the infinite...
5 p hcmute 20/08/2020 377 1
Từ khóa: Escher, M. C, Escher, M. C, Escher, M. C.-(Maurits Cornelis), -1898-1972, Escher, M. C.-(Maurits Cornelis), -1898-1972-Criticism and interpretation
This volume traces the trajectory of Kalman's design "anti-career" from his beginnings with M&Co in the early 1980s to the creative directorship of "Artforum" and "Interview" and the editorship of "Colors" magazine, in which Kalman tackled issues such as AIDS, poverty and racism.
10 p hcmute 17/08/2020 451 1
Từ khóa: Graphic arts -- United States -- 20th century, Graphic design, Kalman, Tibor., Kalman, Tibor -- Criticism and interpretation.
R.M. Schindler 1887 - 1953 : An exploration of space
This book included contents: - Schindler/ Chase House - Parkard House - Pueblo Ribeca Court
4 p hcmute 17/08/2020 333 1
Từ khóa: Architects -- Biography, Architects, Schindler R.M. 1887 - 1953, Criticism and interpretation, Biography, United States
Adolf Loos 1870 - 1933 : Architect, cultural critic, dandy
Widely regarded as one of the most significant prophets of modern architecture, Adolf Loos (1870-1933) was a star in his own time, known throughout Vienna as an outspoken, audacious dandy and moralist who defied the establishment. His work not only represented the beginning of modernism, with its stark, unornamented style, but also revolutionized architecture by introducing the concept of "spatial plan" architecture, which allowed for...
4 p hcmute 17/08/2020 300 1
Từ khóa: rchitecture -- 20th century, Architecture, Functionalism, Loos, Adolf 1870 - 1933, Criticism and interpretation, 20th century, Austria