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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Analysis processing - in - memory on sram
Analysis processing - in - memory on sram: Graduation project of Electronics and communications engineering technology/ Vu Thanh Trung; Pham Van Khoa (Advisor). -- Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of technology and education, 2024 Call no. : KĐĐ-41 621.397 V986-T871
59 p hcmute 20/12/2024 121 9
Từ khóa: Computer architecture, Static Random Access Memory.
Integrating The Superscalar Architecture Into A 32-Bit Risc-V CPU
Integrating The Superscalar Architecture Into A 32-Bit Risc-V CPU: Graduation thesis of Computer engineering technology/ Pham Quang Minh; Truong Ngoc Son (Advisor). -- Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of technology and education, 2024 Call no. : KMT-19 004.33 P534-M664
89 p hcmute 20/12/2024 115 12
Từ khóa: Computer architecture, Computer systems.
An Duong Vuong Apartment: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Civil Engineering/ Nguyen Ngoc Truc Quynh; Tran Tuan Kiet (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2022 Call no.: XDC-49 690.8314 N573-Q178
143 p hcmute 27/12/2023 140 3
Từ khóa: Apartment, Architecture, Tran Tuan Kiet, eSupervisor
Study Lambda architecture and build a demo application
Study Lambda architecture and build a demo application: Graduation project of Information technology/ Nguyen Thanh Dat, Tran Duc Tuan; Quach Dinh Hoang (Advisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2023 Call no.: CTT-10 005.74 N573-P536
64 p hcmute 01/12/2023 195 3
Từ khóa: Big data, Demo application, Lambda architecture
"Systems Analysis and Design" by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta M. Roth is a comprehensive guide to the process of analyzing and designing information systems. The book covers various topics related to systems analysis and design such as requirements gathering, system design, and implementation. The book starts with an introduction to systems analysis and design, followed by an overview of the system development life cycle....
14 p hcmute 09/05/2023 455 5
Từ khóa: Computer architecture, System analysis, System design, Roth, Roberta M, Wixom, Barbara Haley.
As a Foundation Learning Guide, this book fully reflects the content of the newest Cisco CCDP ARCH course. Real-world scenarios illustrate key concepts; chapter learning objectives and summaries help focus study; and review questions help readers assess their knowledge. Call no. : 004.65 A316
23 p hcmute 15/11/2022 374 0
Từ khóa: Computer network architectures
100 contemporary houses - Vol 2
100 contemporary houses - Vol 2 / Philip Jodidio : 100 Zeitgeno�ssische Ha�user = 100 Maisons Contemporaines. -- . -- Cologne : Taschen, 2011. 688p. ; 31cm ISBN 9783836523301 Dewey Class no. : 728.809051 -- dc 23 Call no. : 728.809051 J63
5 p hcmute 22/07/2022 385 0
Từ khóa: 1. Architect-designed houses -- History -- 21st century. 2. Architect-designed houses . 3. Architecture, Domestic . 4. History . 5. 21st century. I. Title: 100 contemporary houses - Vol 2 / . II. Title: 100 Zeitgeno�ssische Ha�user = 100 Maisons Contemporaines. III. Title: Philip Jodidio : . IV. Title: .
Hotel Proposals / James Yu ; proofreading by Qian Yin ; design by Ning Li. -- . -- Hong Kong : Design Media, 2012. 287p. ; 29cm ISBN 9789881507129 Dewey Class no. : 728.5 -- dc 23 Call no. : 728.5 H832
7 p hcmute 22/07/2022 364 0
Từ khóa: 1. Architecture. 2. Architecture. 3. Hotels . 4. Designs and plans. 5. Pictorial works . 6. 21st century. I. Li, Ning. II. Title: Hotel Proposals / . III. Title: James Yu ; proofreading by Qian Yin ; design by Ning Li. IV. Title: .
Ben shu xuan qu le jin nian lai shi jie shang you xiu de jiu dian she ji zuo pin.Jie shao le dang qian de jiu dian she ji si lu yi ji wei lai de she ji qu shi.Er qie,Ye bao han le hen duo xin ying,Xian jin de jiu dian she ji ji shu yu ce lüe. Call no. : 728.5 H832
7 p hcmute 07/07/2022 318 1
Từ khóa: A Architecture, Architecture, Hotels, . Designs and plans, . Pictorial works, 21st century
100 contemporary houses - Vol 2
Exceptional contemporary houses from Chile to Croatia to China Designing private homes offers architects more freedom than corporate projects to express their ideas and try out new concepts. Conceiving living spaces is not without its own set of challenges, for which architects are forever looking for innovative solutions--rethinking the way we inhabit our home and live our daily lives is all part of the job when designing a house. Nowadays...
5 p hcmute 07/07/2022 310 0
Từ khóa: A Architect-designed houses -- History -- 21st century, Architect-designed houses, Architecture, Domestic, History, 21st century
Conservation du patrimoine architectural et paysager Hanoi
Conservation du patrimoine architectural et paysager Hanoi : La citadelle de Hanoi, le quartier des "36 rues et corporations",... -- H.: Édition de la construction, 1999 52tr.; 27cm 1. Architectural . 2. Architectural -- Hanoi. 3. Kiến trúc. 4. Kiến trúc -- Hà Nội. Dewey Class no. : 720.959731 -- dc 22Call no. : 720.959731 C755
4 p hcmute 04/05/2022 241 0
Từ khóa: 1. Architectural . 2. Architectural -- Hanoi. 3. Kiến trúc. 4. Kiến trúc -- Hà Nội.
Lịch sử bang giao Việt Nam - Đông Nam Á
Trình bày nội dung về sự bang giao giữa Việt Nam và Đông Nam Á từ xưa đến nay, từ khi hình thành mối bang giao, sự phát triển mối quan hệ Sách có tại Thư viện khu A, phòng mượn Số phân loại:327.597059 T772-M217
5 p hcmute 06/01/2021 375 0
Từ khóa: Architecture and society -- History -- 20th century, Communication in architecture -- History -- 20th century, Design -- History -- 20th century, Design/Graphic arts/General -- Bisacsh, Design/History & Criticism -- Bisacsh, Design/Reference -- Bisacsh, Visual communication -- History -- 20th century