» Từ khóa: Thép thương phẩm

Kết quả 1-3 trong khoảng 3
  • Metals databook

    Metals databook

    Metals databook/ Alok Nayar. -- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. ; 1997. 600p. includes index ; 26cm. ISBN 0 07 462300 1 Dewey Class no. : 693.7 -- dc 21 Call no. : 693.7 N331

     13 p hcmute 22/07/2022 266 0

    Từ khóa: 1. Kim loại học. 2. Thép thương phẩm. 3. Thép xây dựng.

  • Metals databook

    Metals databook

    "The Metal Databook helps you select the appropriate metals or metal alloys and use them properly, no matter what type of project you're working on. In fact, no other single volume covers the field the way this one does. Among its many unique features, the book compares ISO standards for various grades of metal from the United States, Japan, Great Britain, and many other countries; provides a wide range of standard test methods for determining...

     13 p hcmute 07/07/2022 275 0

    Từ khóa: Kim loại học, Thép thương phẩm, Thép xây dựng

  • Tables for the metal trade

    Tables for the metal trade

    Tables for the metal trade/ Ed.: Hermann Jutz, Eduard Scharkus and Rolf Lobert. -- Deutsche Gesellschaft fur technische Zusammenarbeit 1983 182p.; 20cm. 1. Thép thương phẩm. 2. Thép xây dựng. I. Jutz, Hermann. II. Lobert, Rolf. III. Scharkus, Eduard. Dewey Class no. : 693.7 -- dc 21 Call no. : 693.7 T113

     5 p hcmute 03/06/2022 190 0

    Từ khóa: Thép thương phẩm, Thép xây dựng

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