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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Language textbooks in the era of neoliberalism
This book examines how neoliberalism finds expression in foreign language textbooks. Moving beyond the usual focus on English, Pau Bori explores the impact of neoliberal ideology on Catalan textbooks. By comparing Catalan textbooks to English textbooks, this book interrogates the similarities and differences between a minor and a global language in the age of neoliberalism. Drawing on insights from critical theory and critical pedagogy, this...
5 p hcmute 10/01/2023 300 0
Từ khóa: Applied linguistics, Catalan language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English, English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Catalan, Language and languages -- Study and teaching -- Political aspects, Languages, Modern -- Textbooks, Neoliberalism -- Political aspects.
This definitive survey of one of the most popular collectible and dynamic periods of international design offers a rich overview of all aspects of the subject. Mid-century furniture, lighting, glass, ceramics, textiles, product design, industrial design, graphics, and posters are covered, as are interior design and architecture, exemplifying post-war optimism and energy, use of innovative and affordable materials and forms of mass manufacture,...
11 p hcmute 24/08/2020 314 1
Từ khóa: Architecture, Modern, Architecture, Modern-20th century, Architecture, Modern, Industrial design-History-20th century
HB Design : Selected architectural works
This photo-rich architectural design book is a fascinating profile of one of Asia's most successful and influential firms.
4 p hcmute 17/08/2020 305 1
Từ khóa: Architectural design, Architectural design, Architecture, Modern, Brouwer, Hans, HB Design (Firm), Architect, Designs and plans
This volume covers a broad range of subjects in modern geometry and related branches of mathematics, physics and computer science. Most of the papers show new, interesting results in Riemannian geometry, homotopy theory, theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, topological analysis, integrable systems, quantum groups, and noncommutative geometry. There are also papers giving overviews of the recent achievements in some special topics, such as...
7 p hcmute 20/07/2020 248 1
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles
This book is an introduction to automotive technology, with specic reference to battery electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell electric vehicles. It could serve electrical engineers who need to know more about automobiles or automotive engineers who need to know about electrical propulsion systems. For example, this reviewer, who is a specialist in electric machinery, could use this book to better understand the automobiles for which the...
16 p hcmute 29/05/2020 469 4
Từ khóa: Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles;
Vietnamese modern and traditional Vietnamese cuisine
Vietnamese food is a delicious blend of Southeast Asian flavors.This is part of the beautiful Silk Series. Vietnamese features dozens of tasty recipes, from aromatic soups and broths to spicy seafood and everything in between.This compact book also features the history and culture of Vietnamese dishes and the traditional role of food in Vietnamese life.This covers step by step instructions and photographs on how easy Vietnamese
11 p hcmute 27/03/2020 450 2
Từ khóa: Vietnamese modern foods; Vietnamese traditional Vietnam
The purpose of Dorf’s Modern Control Systems, Thirteenth Edition is to present the structure of feedback control theory and to provide a sequence of exciting discoveries. The book demonstrates various real-world, global engineering problems while touching on evolving design strategies like green technology. Some of the themes at-hand include climate change, clean water, sustainability, waste management, emissions reduction, and minimizing...
12 p hcmute 12/03/2020 452 2
Từ khóa: Modern control systems; Richard C. Dorf; Robert H. Bishop
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
9 p hcmute 12/03/2020 305 2
This book is about computer vision a modern approach.
15 p hcmute 31/12/2019 461 2
C Programming A Modern Approach
This book is about C Programming A Modern Approach, contents 27 parts.
17 p hcmute 31/12/2019 496 1
Từ khóa: C Programming A Modern Approach, K. N. King
Modern Embedded Computing: Designing Connected, Pervasive, Media-Rich Systems provides a thorough understanding of the platform architecture of modern embedded computing systems that drive mobile devices. The book offers a comprehensive view of developing a framework for embedded systems-on-chips. Examples feature the Intel Atom processor, which is used in high-end mobile devices such as e-readers, Internet-enabled TVs, tablets, and net books.
14 p hcmute 31/12/2019 314 1
Từ khóa: Modern Embedded Computing, Peter Barry, Patrick Crowley
C Programming A Modern Approach
The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q and A sections. Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition...
20 p hcmute 09/11/2019 622 1
Từ khóa: C Programming A Modern Approach, K.N.King