» Từ khóa: joseph f hair

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Introduction to marketing

    Introduction to marketing

    With coverage of current marketing practices and exciting new features McDaniel, Lamb, Hair's INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING 10E, INTERNATIONAL EDITION will have your students saying, "Now that's marketing." You experience marketing through billboards, television commercials, and even in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. MARKETING 10e with its engaging presentation of concepts will bring forward how much the principles of marketing play a role...

     28 p hcmute 12/04/2019 376 1

    Từ khóa: Introduction to marketing, marketing, Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair

  • Marketing for decision makers

    Marketing for decision makers

    what does the term maketing mean to you ? many people think it means the same as personal selling. Others think marketing bis the same as personal selling and advertising. Still others believe merketing has something to do with making products available in stores, arranging display. and maintaining inventories of products for future sales.

     6 p hcmute 11/04/2019 536 4

    Từ khóa: Marketing for decision makers, Siva Muthaly, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair

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