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HBR's 10 must reads on diversity
HBR's 10 must reads on diversity. -- Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 viii, 200p.: illustrations; 21cm Includes index ISBN 9781633697720 1. Discrimination in employment. 2. Diversity in the workplace. Dewey Class no. : 658.3008 -- dc 23 Call no. : 658.3008 H431
7 p hcmute 07/11/2022 180 0
Từ khóa: Discrimination in employment, Diversity in the workplace
Hành nghề tự do, việc làm thoải mái kèm theo những thu nhập đáng kể là hướng lựa chọn mới mà sách đã đề cập. Nó sẽ đặc biệt có ý nghĩa đối với những ai đang trong tình trạng thất nghiệp, hoặc muốn rời bỏ công việc hiện tại của mình mà vẫn duy trì được mức thu nhập. Những lời khuyên của tác giả Jeff Evarts rất thực tế, hữu ích và...
7 p hcmute 15/06/2021 272 1
Từ khóa: Nghề tự do, Self-employed
Portfolio presentation for fashion designers
This comprehensive portfolio reference prepares students as they begin their fashion design careers. Each chapter highlights essential skills and techniques to help designers become competitive with in their chosen markets
14 p hcmute 24/08/2020 459 2
Từ khóa: Art portfolios, Employment portfolios, Fashion design -- Marketing, Fashion drawing, Fashion -- Vocational guidance
Crazy good interviewing : How acting a little crazy can get you the job
"How acting a little crazy and thinking outside of the box can get you the job you want. Ever hear of a job candidate stretching out on the interviewer's floor to fill out an application? Or an applicant who sees nothing wrong with texting during the interview? Securing a job interview is a golden opportunity. The crazy-bad behavior described above will not net a job offer. Crazy Good Interviewing shows readers that crazy-good behavior,...
11 p hcmute 10/08/2020 361 1
Từ khóa: Employment interviewing, Employment interviewing, Job hunting, Personality
Extreme résumé makeover: The ultimate guide to renovating your résumé
Extreme Resum Makeover focuses on the written communication involved in finding a job, including resumes, cover letters, and thank you notes. “Before and after” examples of real resumes are incorporated providing concrete visual examples to use as models for the final product. Each resume example indicates the errors in the initial attempt and suggested improvements. There are also sections on electronic formatting and electronic...
9 p hcmute 10/08/2020 294 1
Từ khóa: College graduates -- Employment, College students -- Employment, Résumés
Extreme résumé makeover: The ultimate guide to renovating your résumé
Extreme résumé makeover: The ultimate guide to renovating your résumé/ Cindy S. Kenkel. -- 1st ed. -- Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007 viii, 155p.; 26cm ISBN 007351182 ISBN 9780073511825 1. College graduates -- Employment. 2. College students -- Employment. 3. Résumés. Dewey Class no. : 650.144 -- dc 22 Call no. : 650.144 K33 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006448 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
10 p hcmute 22/10/2013 480 1
Từ khóa: College graduates, Employment, College students, Employment