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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Funamentals of COMPUTERS (Fifth edition)
The fifth edition of highly acclaimed' "Funamentals of COMPUTERS " lucidly presents how a computes system functions, besides teaching basics of programming . Both hardware and software and aspects of computers are covered. The book begins with how numeric and character data are represented in a computer. how various input and output units function, how different types of memory units are organized and how data is processed by the processor.
8 p hcmute 09/11/2019 305 1
Từ khóa: Funamentals of COMPUTERS (Fifth edition), V. RAJARAMAN
Save money. Lighten your backpack. Access your textbooks anytime, from anywhere
17 p hcmute 08/11/2019 323 1
Từ khóa: Compute Graphics; Donald Hearn, M.Pauline Baker, Warren R.Carithers
A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision With OpenCV
Compute VIsion is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developes to make use of this field due to ready availabiltiy of high quality libraries such as OpenCv
8 p hcmute 08/11/2019 541 5
Từ khóa: A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision With OpenCV; Kenneth Dawson-Howe
Contents: Introduction; Image Formation; Image Processing; Feature detection and matching; Segmentaition; Feature-based alignment; Structure from motion; Dense motion estimation; Image stitching; Computational photography; Stereo correspondence; 3D reconstruction; Image-based rendering; Recogaition; Conclusion.
11 p hcmute 08/11/2019 334 1
Từ khóa: Computer Vision, Richard Szeliski
Contents: Image formation; Early Vision: Just one image; Early Vision: Multiple images; Mid-Level Vision; High-Level Vision; Applications and Topics; Background Material.
15 p hcmute 08/11/2019 325 1
Từ khóa: Computer Vision; Forsyth and Ponce
Bài giảng Thực tập đồ họa Adobe illustrator (Practice Of Computer Graphic)
Môn học Thực tập đồ họa rèn luyện cho người học những kỹ năng cơ bản về kỹ thuật đồ họa: thực hiện được các lệnh cơ bản trong phần mềm đồ họa; vẽ được các hình cơ bản; xử lý chữ trong phần mềm đồ họa; chọn được các đối tượng để thực hiện các thao tác xử lý; kết hợp các hình cơ bản thành các hình phức tạp; nhập hình...
37 p hcmute 06/11/2019 574 25
Từ khóa: Bài giảng Thực tập đồ họa Adobe illustrator, Practice Of Computer Graphic
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach
Welcome to the sixth edition of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. Since the publication of the first edition 12 years ago, our book has been adopted for use at many hundreds of colleges and universities, translated into 14 languages, and used by over one hundred thousand students and practitioners worldwide. We've heard from may of these readers and have been overwhelmed by the positive response.
12 p hcmute 05/11/2019 404 1
Từ khóa: Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross
Computer Networks, Fifth Edition, is the ideal introduction to the networking field. This bestseller reflects the latest networking technologies with a special emphasis on wireless networking, including 802.11, 802.16, Bluetooth, and 3G cellular, paired with fixed- network coverage of ADSL, Internet over cable, gigabit Ethernet, MPLS, and peer-to-peer networks.
14 p hcmute 05/11/2019 325 1
Từ khóa: Computer Networks, Andrew S.Tanenbaum, David J.Wetherall
Unit 1: The Amazing Computer Unit 2: Interacting With Your Computer Unit 3: Output Devices Unit 4: Processing Data Unit 5: Storing Information in a Computer Unit 8: Productivity Software, Part 2 Unit 9: Networks and Data Communications Unit 10: The Internet and Online Resources Unit 11: Computer Graphics and Design Unit 12: The New Media Unit 13: Development of Information Systems Unit 14: Software Programming and Development Unit...
16 p hcmute 28/10/2019 301 1
Từ khóa: Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton's
In the new Peter Norton computer education series published by Glencoe, the leading author of computer books has teamed up with one of the country's largest educational publishers. The result is a powerful new approach uses clear, straightforward language and carefully constructed of modern computing. Norton's legendary skill at clarifying difficult topics is used to explain the many intracacies and implications of today's hardware,...
14 p hcmute 28/10/2019 347 1
Từ khóa: Computing Fundamentals, Peter Norton's
Introduction to Computer Science
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts o Chapter 2 Program Planning and Design Chapter 3: Program Coding and Simple Input/Output Chapter 4: Control Structures and Program Writing Chapter 5: Functions and Subroutines Chapter 6: Arrays and Strings Chapter 7: Data Files Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 9: Data Structures
5 p hcmute 28/10/2019 411 1
Từ khóa: Introduction to Computer Science, Ramon A. Mata-Toledo, Pauline K. Cushman
Part 1: Scalability and Clustering Chapter 1: Scalability and Clustering Chapter 2: Basics of Parallel Programming Chapter 3: Performance Metrics and Benchmarks Part 2: Enabling Technologies Chapter 4: Microprocessors as Building Blocks Chapter 5: Distributed Memory and Latency Tolerance Chapter 6: Systems Interconnects and Gigabit Networks Chapter 7: Threading, Synchronization, and Communication Part 3: Systems Archiecture Chapter 8...
11 p hcmute 28/10/2019 350 1
Từ khóa: Scalable Parallel Computing, Kai Hwang, Zhiwei Xu