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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
fundamentals of programming an introduction to computer program using c
Contents: Introduction to Computer Systems and the Role of C++ in Softwave Development; Variables, Assignment, and Simple I/O; Characteristics of C++ Data Types; Conditional Execution; Iteration; Functions; Arrays and Strings; Structs, Classes and Object-Oriented Programming; Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management; Linked Lists; Abstract Data Types, and Recurssion; Legitimizing ADTs in C++ Class Operations, Copy Semantics, and Generic Types;...
10 p hcmute 19/12/2019 529 2
Từ khóa: fundamentals of programming an introduction to computer program using c
In the new Peter Norton computer education series published by Glencoe, the leading author of computer books has teamed up with one of the country's largest educational publishers. The result is a powerful new approach uses clear, straightforward language and carefully constructed of modern computing. Norton's legendary skill at clarifying difficult topics is used to explain the many intracacies and implications of today's hardware,...
14 p hcmute 28/10/2019 347 1
Từ khóa: Computing Fundamentals, Peter Norton's
Fundamentals of Programming an introduction to computer programming using C++
C++ is becoming a dominant programming language for developing today's computer software systems. It offers the runtime efficiency and economy of expression of C and adds advanced features for data abstraction and object-oriebted programming. Knowledge of C++ is a valuble asset for any individual seeking employment in computer programming or systems development. Application sofware for modern operating evironments and graphical user interfaces...
10 p hcmute 28/10/2019 321 1
Từ khóa: Fundamentals of Programming an introduction to computer programming using C++, Richard Halterman
A student must understand how a computer function in addition to knowing how to program it. The main objective of this book is to explain to a beginner how a computer work
11 p hcmute 01/08/2018 330 1
Từ khóa: Fundamentals of Computers