» Từ khóa: v rajaraman

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Introduction to Information Technology

    Introduction to Information Technology

    This textbook is designed for a first course in information technology , offered as core course for all undergraduate university students. It will also benefit students preparing for DOEACC, polytechnic students, and professional course such as CA . As is a a rapidly advancing technology, the main objective of this book is to emphasize reasonably stable fundamental concepts on which this technology is built

     8 p hcmute 09/11/2019 729 1

    Từ khóa: Introduction to Information Technology, V. Rajaraman

  • Funamentals of COMPUTERS (Fifth edition)

    Funamentals of COMPUTERS (Fifth edition)

    The fifth edition of highly acclaimed' "Funamentals of COMPUTERS " lucidly presents how a computes system functions, besides teaching basics of programming . Both hardware and software and aspects of computers are covered. The book begins with how numeric and character data are represented in a computer. how various input and output units function, how different types of memory units are organized and how data is processed by the processor.

     8 p hcmute 09/11/2019 327 1

    Từ khóa: Funamentals of COMPUTERS (Fifth edition), V. RAJARAMAN

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