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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Selected papers of Richard Feynman : With commentary
A collection of scientific papers by Richard Feynman. They are grouped by topic, including renormalized quantum electrodynamics, gravitation, partons, and more. Comments on Feynman's topics are provided by the editor, along with biographical notes and a bibliography of Feynman's publications. Call no. : 530 F435
5 p hcmute 11/09/2023 258 0
Từ khóa: Brown, Laurie M. [Editor; Other], Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Bước đầu khởi nghiệp: Hành động, kiên trì, sáng tạo
Bước đầu khởi nghiệp được viết bởi ba nhà lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp ưu tú của Hoa Kỳ: Leonard A.Schlesinger, Charles F.Kiefer và Paul B.Brown, là những nghiên cứu sâu sắc đã được minh chứng qua thực tiễn, cung cấp những phương pháp đáng tin cậy giúp bạn tiến đến mục tiêu, dù cho thế giới xung quanh có bất định đến đâu chăng nữa.Sách có tại Thư viện...
4 p hcmute 15/06/2021 366 0
Từ khóa: Bí quyết thành công, Quản lí kinh doanh, Just Start, Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, Paul B. Brown; Trung Sơn
Chemistry for engineering students : Student solutions manual and study guide
Using this STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL AND STUDY GUIDE, you can study more effectively and improve your performance at exam time! This comprehensive guide walks you through the step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems in the text. Because the best way for you to learn and understand the concepts is to work multiple, relevant problems on a daily basis and to have reinforcement of important topics and concepts from the...
6 p hcmute 20/07/2020 421 4
Từ khóa: Chemistry, Chemistry. I. Holme, Thomas A. II. Title: Chemistry for engineering students : . III. Title: Student solutions manual and study guide / . IV. Title: Lawrence S. Brown, Thomas A. Holme; prepared by Steve Rathbone. V. Title: .
Once you understand how power components work; for example, a carburetor on a small gas engine as u to power,...
5 p hcmute 06/03/2020 301 4
The original Struts project revolutionized Java web development and its rapid adoption resulted in the thousands of Struts-based applications deployed worldwide. Keeping pace with new ideas and trends, Apache Struts 2 has emerged as the product of a merger between the Apache Struts and OpenSymphony WebWork projects, united in their goal to develop an easy-to-use yet feature-rich framework. Struts 2 represents a revolution in design and ease of...
26 p hcmute 30/12/2019 346 1
Từ khóa: Struts 2 in Action, Donald Brown, Chad Michael Davis, Scott Stanlick
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
Authors Marty Hall and Larry Brown reveal the advanced features and latest development regarding servlets and JSP. In the Core tradition, this book is designed to provide experienced programmers with the essential information they need to learn and apply the latest, most important technologies.
15 p hcmute 30/12/2019 357 2
Từ khóa: Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Marty Hall, Larry Brown, Yaakov Chaikin
Using many examples all on a common theme, this second edition of Windows Forms Programming with C# presents Windows application development in a step-by-step, easy to follow format. Written for beginner and intermediate programmers eager to get their hands dirty, the text covers fundamentals like labels, buttons, and tool strips, as well as advanced concepts like owner-drawn lists, custom controls, and two-way data binding.
18 p hcmute 30/12/2019 260 1
Từ khóa: Windows Forms in Action, Erik Brown
Big data has become big business, and companies and organizations of all sizes are struggling to find ways to retrieve valuable information from their massive data sets with becoming overwhelmed. Enter Hadoop and this easy-to-understand For Dummies guide. Hadoop For Dummies helps readers understand the value of big data, make a business case for using Hadoop, navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, and build and manage Hadoop applications and...
11 p hcmute 24/12/2019 319 1
Từ khóa: Hadooop For Dummles, Dirk deRoos, Paul C. Zikopoulos, Bruce Brown, Rafael Coss, and Roman B. Melnyk
The J2EE platform has become the technology of choice for developing professional e-commerce applications, interactive web sites, and web -enabled applications and services. Servlet and JSP technology is the foundation of this platform: it provides the link between web clients and server-side applications. In this 2nd edition of the worldwide bestseller, the authors show you how to apply the latestservlet and JSP capabilities, the...
20 p hcmute 09/11/2019 348 1
WINDOWS FORMS IN ACTION, a revised edition of the popular windows forms programming with C#, gets you going quicly by immersing you in a practical running example. Easy to follow instruction,, numcrous graphis, and unique "information maps" guide you through the entire windows form namespace -al the powerful C# language.
15 p hcmute 09/11/2019 235 1
Từ khóa: WINDOWS FORMS IN ACTION, Erik brown
In this volume you'll learn more about how experts gather data and how to use it yourself to turn greater profits.
18 p hcmute 12/04/2019 399 1
Từ khóa: Basic marketing research, Gilbert A. Churchill, Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter
Motor vehicle structures: Consepts and fundamentals
Motor vehicle structures: Consepts and fundamentals/ Jason C. Brown, A. John Robertson and Stan T. Serpento. -- 2nd ed.. -- Amsterdam: Butterworth, 2003 285p.; 25cm. ISBN 0 7506 5134 2 1. Ô tô. 2. Ô tô -- Động cơ. 3. Motor -- LCSH. I. Serpento, Stan T. Dewey Class no. : 629.22 -- dc 21 , 621.436 Call no. : 629.22 B878 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN003366 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
12 p hcmute 11/10/2013 610 1
Từ khóa: Motor vehicle structures; Jason C. Brown, A. John Robertson and Stan T. Serpento