» Từ khóa: work environment

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Introduction to human factors and ergonomics for engineers

    Introduction to human factors and ergonomics for engineers

    With a practical, applied orientation, this book presents and integrates in a single source important methods and tools used in the fields of industrial engineering, human factors and ergonomics to design and improve jobs, tasks and products. The author covers such topics as the human system, motion analysis, predicting human performance, simulation in ergonomic design, product quality and usability, macroergonomics, and occupational safety...

     18 p hcmute 01/03/2023 239 1

    Từ khóa: Human engineering, Work environment.

  • Introduction to human factors and ergonomics

    Introduction to human factors and ergonomics

    The new edition places the subject matter into a system context using a human-machine model to structure the chapters and a knowledge application model to structure the organisation of material in each chapter. Every chapter covers: Core Concepts Basic Applications Tools and Processes and System Integration issues regardless of topic. Call no. : 620.82 B851

     25 p hcmute 01/03/2023 223 0

    Từ khóa: Human engineering, Work environment.

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