» Từ khóa: unknown comic book adventures

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Art in Time : Unknown Comic Book Adventures, 1940-1980

    Art in Time : Unknown Comic Book Adventures, 1940-1980

    Art in Time" picks up where Dan Nadel's previous book, "Art Out of Time", left off in the celebration of unknown comics art, but this time Nadel focuses on the lesser known works by giants of the industry, like H.G. Peter (the artist for "Wonder Woman"), Sam Glanzman (artist for "Our Army at War"), John Stanley (writer and artist for "Little Lulu"), Harry Lucey (one of the artists behind "Archie"), Jesse Marsh (the artist for "Tarzan"), and...

     7 p hcmute 31/05/2017 349 1

    Từ khóa: Art in Time, Unknown Comic Book Adventures, 1940-1980

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