» Từ khóa: surveying

Kết quả 1-7 trong khoảng 7
  • Customer journey mapping survey (at Toyota Bien Hoa)

    Customer journey mapping survey (at Toyota Bien Hoa)

    Customer journey mapping survey (at Toyota Bien Hoa): Graduation Project of Automotive Engineering Technology/ Tran Nhu Khoa; Huynh Tan Thuyet (Advisor)--Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, 2023 Call no.: CKĐ-45 658.8343 T772-K45

     35 p hcmute 22/02/2024 147 3

    Từ khóa: Customer journey, Mapping survey, Huynh Tan Thuyet, eadvisor

  • Hướng dẫn giải bài tập trắc địa đại cương

    Hướng dẫn giải bài tập trắc địa đại cương

    Hướng dẫn giải bài tập trắc địa đại cương/ Vũ Thặng. -- Hà Nội: Khoa học và Kỹ thuật, 2001 190tr.; 24cm Dewey Class no. : 526.9 -- dc 21Call no. : 526.9 V986-T367

     7 p hcmute 06/04/2022 537 3

    Từ khóa: 1. Surveys. 2. Trắc địa -- Bài tập

  • Trắc địa cơ sở: tập 1

    Trắc địa cơ sở: tập 1

    Trắc địa cơ sở: tập 1/ Nguyễn Trọng San,Đào Quang Hiếu, Đinh Công Hòa. -- Hà Nội: Xây dựng, 2002 268tr.; 27cm Dewey Class no. : 526.9 -- dc 21Call no. : 526.9 N573-S196

     6 p hcmute 06/04/2022 368 0

    Từ khóa: 1. Surveys. 2. Trắc địa

  • Building surveys and reports

    Building surveys and reports

    This book included: 1: General Principles and Responsibilities. 2: Procedure and Equipment. 3: Measurement of Existing Buildings. ...

     13 p hcmute 17/08/2020 269 1

    Từ khóa: Building -- Defects, Building, Building inspection, . Building sites, Real property surveys, Surveying, . Defects, Estimates

  • Surveying theory and practice

    Surveying theory and practice

    Contains the same breadth and depth as previous editions with pertinent chapter topics divided into two parts. Part A covers elementary topics and Part B covers advanced topics. This innovative design, coupled with the most recent developments in technology, complements first- and second-level courses in surveying without losing its value as a reference textbook.

     29 p hcmute 22/07/2020 217 1

    Từ khóa: Surveying

  • Basic Surveying

    Basic Surveying

    A guide to practice and equipment for non-specialist surveyors in the various professions involved in the construction industry and the environment. It also include topics such as OS digital mapping, standard deviation and standard error, global positioning systems, transition and vertical curves.

     9 p hcmute 22/07/2020 249 1

    Từ khóa: Metric system, Surveying

  • Surveying practice problems

    Surveying practice problems

    Provides 105 multiple-choice surveying problems to assist civil engineers and land surveyors in preparation for their professional licensing examinations. Topics include: Horizontal Curves, Vertical Curves, Distance, Leveling, Area, Angles, Traverse, and Photogrammetry. This book is divided into 3 Sections: Questions, Detailed Solutions, and Quick Solutions. The Detailed Solutions Section is the largest section, where problems are solved using...

     2 p hcmute 22/07/2020 258 1

    Từ khóa: Surveying

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