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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
This text from Don Yeates and colleagues provides readily accessible, fully informative and directly relevant material for study on HND, degree and professional courses.
12 p hcmute 26/08/2020 210 1
Từ khóa: Quản trị học, Quản trị nhân sự.
Hỗ trợ tốt quá trình thực tập môn điện tử công suất: giúp sinh viên dễ dàng thực tập bộ biến tần PWM dạng V/f. Củng cố kiến thức về phương pháp nghịch lưu dạng PWM. Làm nền tảng cho sinh viên có kiến thức về biến tần để có thể phát triển kỹ năng chuyên môn khi làm việc thực tế trong các doanh nghiệp sau này. Cung cấp thêm nguồn tài liệu...
22 p hcmute 17/08/2020 596 1
Từ khóa: Thiết kế, thi công mô hình biến tần – động cơ phục vụ giảng dạy thực tập điện tử công suất tại trường đại học sư phạm kỹ thuật tp.hcm, ĐỖ ĐỨC HIỆP, NGUYỄN MINH THẮNG
Éléments de la théorie des fonctions et de l'analyse fonctionnelle
Dans cet ouvrage qui traite des questions générales de la théorie des ensembles, de la théorie des ensembles, de la théorie de la mesure et de l'intégration, ainsi que des idées et des méthodes générales de l'analyse fonctionnelle, les auteurs ont eu le souci d'accorder assez d'attention aux problèmes moins abstraits de l'analyse classique et même des mathématiques appliquées.
4 p hcmute 06/08/2020 299 1
Từ khóa: Psychology, Tâm lý học sư phạm.
Toward a phylosophy of educational
The ideas which permeate this book have been formed in an effort to think through a philosophy of education for a small, independent, liberal arts college
8 p hcmute 03/08/2020 307 1
Từ khóa: Giáo dục học, Tâm lý giáo dục, Tâm lý học sư phạm
Comtemporary issues in educational psychology
A reader that organizes 20 contemporary issues in educational psychology into four broad areas: developmental; learning and instruction; measurement and evaluation; and motivation and management. The work is suitable for prospective and practising educators
17 p hcmute 03/08/2020 354 1
Từ khóa: Educational psychology, Tâm lý học sư phạm
From wilderness to metropolis in 25,000,000 years - the unfolding story of human evolution, and the human condition, as revealed by new discoveries in archaeology and primate behavior.
18 p hcmute 30/07/2020 266 1
Từ khóa: Nhân loại học, Nhân loại học Lịch sử
From wilderness to metropolis in 25,000,000 years - the unfolding story of human evolution, and the human condition, as revealed by new discoveries in archaeology and primate behavior.
17 p hcmute 30/07/2020 282 1
Từ khóa: Nhân loại học, Nhân loại học -- Lịch sử
This is a compelling account of the evolution of the human species. This successful introductory text shows how an understanding of evolutionary theory and a knowledge of primate behavioral ecology can be combined with clues from the fossil and archaeological records to explain why we look and act the way we do
19 p hcmute 28/07/2020 277 1
Từ khóa: Human evolucation, Nhân loại học, Nhân loại học -- Lịch sử.
A computational model of first language acquisition
This book describes a study on the question of what sort of innate knowledge it is that enables children to acquire a first language. The author, using a computational approach, builds a model, named BUD (Bring Up a Daughter), on the basis of the data linguists and psychologists have collected.BUD is based on the empirists, view of first language acquisition (as opposed to that of the nativists'), that children make a number of rules in...
5 p hcmute 20/07/2020 449 1
Sociocultural theory and the Genesis of second language development
This book is designed to integrate theory, research, and practice on the learning of second and foreign languages as informed by sociocultural and activity theory. It aims to familiarize students, teachers, and other researchers who do not work within the theory with its principal claims constructs in particular as they relate to second language research. The book also describes and illustrates the use of activity theory to support practical...
7 p hcmute 20/07/2020 635 1
Fundamental considerations in language testing
Here is a clear and authoritative discussion of the basic concerns which underlie the development and use of language tests, and an up-to-date synthesis of research on testing. Primarily for students on teacher education courses, it is also an invaluable resource for all those professionally involved in designing and administering tests, acting as a complement to practical 'how to' books.
9 p hcmute 20/07/2020 635 1
Aimed at language teachers who want to gain a better understanding of task-based learning and how it works in practice, this text demonstrates procedures for designing and adapting tasks. It also shows how to provide a focus on grammar and vocabulary within a task-based framework.
13 p hcmute 20/07/2020 546 2