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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
The finch effect : The five strategies to adapt and thrive in your working life
"Evolve your work strategy and thrive in today's high-pressure economyAs Darwin famously observed, the beaks of each generation of Galapagos Island finches change to accommodate shifting food resources, allowing the birds to survive by adapting their capabilities to the new environment. Today's business people should take note: In the post-crisis economy, traditional career strategies spell professional extinction, but the fluid new "gig...
6 p hcmute 10/08/2020 419 1
Từ khóa: Career development, Education -- United States -- History, Self-actualization -- Psychology, Success in business
Comtemporary issues in educational psychology
A reader that organizes 20 contemporary issues in educational psychology into four broad areas: developmental; learning and instruction; measurement and evaluation; and motivation and management. The work is suitable for prospective and practising educators
17 p hcmute 03/08/2020 355 1
Từ khóa: Educational psychology, Tâm lý học sư phạm
Annual editions: Educational Psychology
Annual editions: Educational Psychology / Kathleen M. Cauley, Gina M. Pannozzo ( editors ). -- 23rd ed. -- New York: McGraw-Hill/Higher Education, 2009 xvi, 223p.; 28cm ISBN 9780073397696 1. Educational psychology. 2. Tâm lý giáo dục. 3. Tâm lý học sư phạm. I. Cauley, Kathlen M. II. Pannozzo, Gina M. Dewey Class no. : 370.15 -- dc 21 Call no. : 370.15 A615 Dữ liệu xếp giá...
10 p hcmute 18/09/2013 543 2
Từ khóa: Educational psychology, Tâm lý giáo dục