» Từ khóa: ron ben natan

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Implementing Database Security and Auditing

    Implementing Database Security and Auditing

    This book is about database security and auditing. You will learn many methods and techniques that will be helpful in securing, monitoring and auditing database environments. It covers diverse topics that include all aspects of database security and auditing - including network security for databases, authentication and authorization issues, links and replication, database Trojans, etc. You will also learn of vulnerabilities and attacks that...

     10 p hcmute 31/12/2019 363 1

    Từ khóa: Implementing Database Security and Auditing, Ron Ben Natan

  • HOW TO Secure and Audit Oracle 10g and 11g

    HOW TO Secure and Audit Oracle 10g and 11g

    Oracle is the number one database engine in use today. The fact that it is the choice of military organizations and agencies around the world is part of the company’s legacy and is evident in the product. Oracle has more security-related functions, products, and tools than almost any other database engine. Unfortunately, the fact that these capabilities exist does not mean that they are used correctly or even used at all. In fact, most users...

     7 p hcmute 30/12/2019 354 2

    Từ khóa: HOW TO Secure and Audit Oracle 10g and 11g, Ron Ben Natan

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