» Từ khóa: product design and development

Kết quả 1-3 trong khoảng 3
  • Product design and development

    Product design and development

    This book contains material developed for use in the interdisciplinary courses on product development that we teach. Participants in these courses inlude graduate students in en-gineering, industrial design students, and MBA students. While we aimed the book at in-terdisciplinary gradute-level audiences such as this, many facully teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in engineering design have also found the material useful. Product...

     19 p hcmute 21/05/2019 652 2

    Từ khóa: Product design and development, Karl T. Ulrich

  • Product Design and Development

    Product Design and Development

    This book contains material developed for use in the interdisciplinary courses on product development that we teach. Participlants in these courses include graduate students in en gineering, industrial design students, and MBA students. While we aimed the book at in terdisciplinary graduate level audiences such as this, many faculty teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in engineering design have also found the material useful.

     18 p hcmute 20/05/2019 557 3

    Từ khóa: Product Design and Development, Karl T. Ulrich

  • Product Design and Development

    Product Design and Development

    Product Design and Development

     10 p hcmute 23/03/2018 397 3

    Từ khóa: Product Design and Development

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