» Từ khóa: prestressed concrete

Kết quả 1-4 trong khoảng 4
  • Analysis and design of prestressed concrete

    Analysis and design of prestressed concrete

    Analysis and design of prestressed concrete/ Di Hu. -- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022 xxiii, 436 p.: ill, 25 cm Dùng cho môn học Kết cấu bê tông ứng lực trước nâng cao ngành Xây dựng Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9780128244258 1. Prestressed concrete -- Analysis. 2. Prestressed concrete -- Design. Dewey Class no. : 624.183 412 -- dc 23 Call no. :...

     21 p hcmute 03/04/2023 295 0

    Từ khóa: Prestressed concrete -- Analysis, Prestressed concrete -- Design

  • Design of prestressed concrete structures

    Design of prestressed concrete structures

    Presents basic theory of prestressed concrete along with the load balancing, working-load and ultimate-load methods for prestressed concrete design. Material revised in light of substantial advances in the field includes: materials, prestressing systems, loss of prestress, shear and bond, camber and deflection

     4 p hcmute 17/08/2020 344 1

    Từ khóa: Prestressed concrete construction, Prestressed concrete, Prestressed concrete construction, Reinforced concrete construction

  • Pretressed concrete : Problems and solutions

    Pretressed concrete : Problems and solutions

    It is a straightforward comprehensive key text presenting solutions to the innumerable types of problems encountered in the field of prestressed concrete structures. The book lays special emphasis on conceptual clarity through the state of the art coverage of the wide spectrum of multifarious applications of prestressed concrete in construction industry. The book is intended to serve the needs of students, teachers, engineers and structural...

     6 p hcmute 07/08/2020 272 1

    Từ khóa: Prestressed concrete

  • Prestressed Concrete : Problems and Solutions

    Prestressed Concrete : Problems and Solutions

    It is a straightforward comprehensive key text presenting solutions to the innumerable types of problems encountered in the field of prestressed concrete structures. The book lays special emphasis on conceptual clarity through the state of the art coverage of the wide spectrum of multifarious applications of prestressed concrete in construction industry. The book is intended to serve the needs of students, teachers, engineers and structural...

     12 p hcmute 25/10/2017 436 1

    Từ khóa: Prestressed Concrete, Problems and Solutions

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