» Từ khóa: poincare henry

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Einsteins Clocks, Poincares Maps

    Einsteins Clocks, Poincares Maps

    Clocks and trains, telegraphs and colonial conquest: the challenges of the late nineteenth century were an indispensable real-world background to the enormous theoretical breakthrough of relativity. And two giants at the foundations of modern science were converging, step by step, on the answer: Albert Einstein, a young, obscure German physicist experimenting with measuring time using telegraph networks and with the coordination of clocks at...

     8 p hcmute 21/07/2020 329 1

    Từ khóa: Einstein -- Albert, Poincare -- Henry, Relativity, Thuyết Tương Đối, Time.

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