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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Research on the fabrication of convex structure composite film from waste paper and polyvinyl alcohol for application in triboelectric nanogenerators: Graduation Project of Material Technology/ Truong The Nam; Nguyen Vu Viet Linh, Bui Van Tien (Advisor)--Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, 2023 Call no.: CVL-30 620.197 T871-N174
94 p hcmute 23/02/2024 156 5
Từ khóa: Composite film, Paper, Bui Van Tien, eadvisor
Research, design and construct two-wheel balancing robot for object tracking
Research, design and construct two-wheel balancing robot for object tracking: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Automation and control engineering/ Nguyen Hoang Hai, Ngyen Dang Khoa; Nguyen Van Thai (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2017 Call no.: ĐTĐ-51 629.8932 N573-H149
104 p hcmute 22/09/2023 200 5
Từ khóa: No paper version, Extract VietNamese ID, License information
Intelligent greenhouse control and monitoring model design using IoT ( Internet of things)
Intelligent greenhouse control and monitoring model design using IoT ( Internet of things): Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Mechatronics technology/ Vu Viet Thanh, Nguyen Nhut Linh; Vu Quang Huy (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2017 Call no.: CĐT-46 629.89 V986-T367
1 p hcmute 22/09/2023 204 8
Từ khóa: No paper version, Automatic control, Smart home
Applying biofilm hybrid system (Anaerobic-Aerobic) using coral media and Microbe-Lift IND on automobile wastewater treatment: Graduation's thesis of the Environmental engineering technology/ Nguyen Thi Kim Xuyen, Nguyen Phuoc Loc; Nguyen Thi My Linh (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2017 Call no.: CMT-50 628.43 N573-X199
90 p hcmute 22/09/2023 155 2
Từ khóa: No paper copy, Wastewater treatment, Nguyễn Phước Lộc
A research on students' attitude towards brainstormings as pre-writing activity and factors that affect interactive brainstorming groups : Capstone Project Faculty of foreign languages/ Huynh Thi Hong Nhung; Trương Thi Hoa (Advisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: HCM university of Technology and Education, 2017 Call no.: NNA-31 378.198 H987-N576
61 p hcmute 22/09/2023 147 3
Từ khóa: No paper version, Brainstormings, Pre-writing activity
Paper cutting for celebrations : 100 + Chinese designs for festive holidays and special occasions
This book carefully explains the ideas and traditions behind some of the most cuitable paper-cutting patterns used for nine different holidays and celebrations. Using Chinese characters and auspicious symbols for blessings and fortune, numerous beautiful and meaningful paper-cutting patterns are presented. Use your projectsto decorate your home, or send them as unique gifts to family and friends. These designs are also a great way to learn and...
4 p hcmute 24/08/2020 148 3
Từ khóa: Paper work
Paper and paperboard packaging technology
A comprehensive source of reference to this major packaging sector * The Editor has a lifetime's experience within the packaging industry * A chapter is included on the important considerations of the environment, packaging reduction and the options available for waste management
20 p hcmute 14/08/2020 404 6
Từ khóa: Paper containers -- Paperboard
Biến đổi khí hậu đang là vấn đề được quan tâm nhất và ảnh hưởng trực tiếp lên môi trường sống của chúng ta. Trước thực trạng đó, Công ước khung của Liên Hiệp Quốc về Biến đổi khí hậu đưa ra nghị định thư Kyoto nhằm mục đích cân bằng lại lượng khí thải nhà kính ở mức có thể ngăn chặn được những tác động nguy hiểm cho môi...
7 p hcmute 16/06/2017 464 1
Từ khóa: Clean Deverlopment Machanism (CDM), pulp and paper, Vietnam
Paper Money Collapse - The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown
All paper money systems in history have ended in failure. Either they collapsed in chaos, or society returned to commodity money before that could happen. Drawing upon novel new research, Paper Money Collapse conclusively illustrates why paper money systems those based on an elastic and constantly expanding supply of money as opposed to a system of commodity money of essentially fixed supply are inherently unstable and why they must lead to...
14 p hcmute 12/06/2017 408 1
Từ khóa: Paper Money Collapse, The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown
Mục tiêu của bài báo là xây dựng quy trình, phương pháp và xác định các cơ hội thực hiện dự án CDM cho ngành Giấy Việt Nam. Phương pháp đề xuất sẽ được áp dụng tại nhà máy Giấy Tân Mai. Kết quả thực hiện chứng minh rằng dự án CDM cho ngành Giấy có tính khả thi kinh tế cao và mở ra cơ hội giảm thiểu phát thải cho các ngành công nghiệp khác...
7 p hcmute 24/11/2016 401 1
Từ khóa: Clean Deverlopment Machanism (CDM), pulp and paper, Vietnam