» Từ khóa: ntrepreneurship handhooks

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • New venture creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century

    New venture creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century

    New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century is about the actual process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. It continues to be the product of experience and considerable research in the field-rooted in real-world application and refined in the classroom. The design and flow of the book are aimed at creating knowledge, skills, and awareness. In a pragmatic...

     29 p hcmute 11/08/2020 308 1

    Từ khóa: ntrepreneurship -- Handhooks, manuals., New business enterprises

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