» Từ khóa: meson

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • MESON 2002: 7th International Workshop on production, properties and interaction of mesons

    MESON 2002: 7th International Workshop on production, properties and interaction of mesons

    This volume deals with both the experimental and theoretical aspects of meson physics; in particular, it presents new results. The main topics are: hadronic and electromagnetic meson production in various reactions; meson interaction with mesons, nucleons and nuclei; the structure of hadrons; mesons and fundamental symmetries; exotic systems. The book provides an overview of the current status of these areas, as well as of new developments,...

     13 p hcmute 22/07/2020 218 1

    Từ khóa: Meson, Vật lý hạt nhân

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