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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Feedback control of dynamic systems
Emphasizing modern topics and techniques, this text blends theory and real world practice and represents physically what occurs mathematically in feedback control of dynamic systems. Highlights of the book include realistic problems and examples from a wide range of application areas.
14 p hcmute 24/08/2020 264 3
Từ khóa: Feedback control systems. I. Emami-Naeini, Abbas. II. Powell, J. David, 1938-.
Essentials of modern business statistics: With Microsoft Office Excel
Discover an accessible introduction to business statistics as ESSENTIALS OF MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS, 7E balances a conceptual understanding of statistics with real-world applications of statistical methodology. The book integrates Microsoft Excel 2016, providing step-by-step instructions and screen captures to help you master the latest Excel tools. Extremely reader-friendly, this edition includes numerous tools to maximize your course...
22 p hcmute 20/07/2020 553 2
Từ khóa: Commercial statistics, Commercial statistics -- Computer programs, Microsoft Excel. I. Anderson, David R. II. Camm, Jeffrey D. . III. Cochran, James J. IV. Sweeney, Dennis J. . V. Williams, Thomas A
Multinational Business Finance
Authoritative, Comprehensive Coverage of Contemporary International FinanceRenowned for its authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance, Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow’s multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to make financial decisions that increase firm value, the authors have...
16 p hcmute 16/06/2020 474 1
Từ khóa: Multinational Business Finance, David j. Eiteman Arthur l. Stonehill Machael . Moffett
The processes of modern clothing manufacture are explained here, alongside the equipment used. Latest developments are described as well as established methods. Manual, mechanised and automated processes are explained and their comparative advantages for certain purposes are considered as well as the applications of computer control and robotics. The Fourth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect advances in technology and a new...
9 p hcmute 16/06/2020 380 1
The Unofficial Guide to Microsoft Office Word 2007
This book is about the unofficial guide to Microsoft office word 2007.
15 p hcmute 31/12/2019 408 1
Từ khóa: The Unofficial Guide to Microsoft Office Word 2007, David J. Clark
Computer Networks, Fifth Edition, is the ideal introduction to the networking field. This bestseller reflects the latest networking technologies with a special emphasis on wireless networking, including 802.11, 802.16, Bluetooth, and 3G cellular, paired with fixed- network coverage of ADSL, Internet over cable, gigabit Ethernet, MPLS, and peer-to-peer networks.
14 p hcmute 05/11/2019 323 1
Từ khóa: Computer Networks, Andrew S.Tanenbaum, David J.Wetherall
Chapter 1. The process and profession of Design
12 p hcmute 22/10/2019 316 1
Từ khóa: Interiors, Karla J Nielson, David A Taylor
Systems for planning and control in manufacturing: Systems and managemement for competitive manufacture / David K. Harrison, David j. Petty. -- 3rd ed. -- England: Newnes, 2002 297p.; 24cm ISBN 0-7506-49771 1. Quản trị xí nghiệp. I. David j. Petty. Dewey Class no. : 658.04 -- dc 21Call no. : a658.04 H318 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN002824 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
12 p hcmute 18/10/2013 466 1
Từ khóa: Systems for planning and control in manufacturing; David K. Harrison, David j. Petty