» Từ khóa: inventory control

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Inventory control and management

    Inventory control and management

    This book is a clear, practical, and self-contained guide to inventory management. It describes recent thinking about stocks and the methods for their control, developing the subject from basic principles through to higher level materials and newer developments. Call no. : 658.787 W329

     11 p hcmute 01/03/2023 250 1

    Từ khóa: Inventory control.

  • Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment : creating a more efficient supply chain

    Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment : creating a more efficient supply chain

    "This new edition provides a focused message on how inventory optimization effects specific business verticals through improved metrics. It reviews the fundamentals of inventory optimization so that practitioners can attain a demand driven supply as well as provides a business perspective of why present inventory systems sub-optimize the supply chain and faulty replenishment processes lead to wasted time and effort. Readers come away with a...

     11 p hcmute 13/08/2020 328 1

    Từ khóa: Business logistics, Inventory control

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