» Từ khóa: game website

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Developing a car racing game

    Developing a car racing game

    Developing a car racing game: Graduation thesis of Information technology/ Huynh Cong Dat; Le Vinh Thinh (Supervisor). -- Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2024 Call no. : CTT-10 005.268 H987-D232

     72 p hcmute 18/12/2024 42 2

    Từ khóa: Car racing game, Website, Huỳnh Công Đạt, Le Vinh Thinh

  • Building a classic game website

    Building a classic game website

    Building a classic game website: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Information technology/Tran Dang Khoa, Le Trinh Hoang Phu; Nguyen Tran Thi Van (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of technology and education, 2023 Call no.: CTT-10 006.7 T772-K45

     81 p hcmute 25/09/2024 72 4

    Từ khóa: , Game website, Trang web

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