» Từ khóa: fundamentals of database systems

Kết quả 1-3 trong khoảng 3
  • Learning Object-Oriented Programming in C# 5.0

    Learning Object-Oriented Programming in C# 5.0

    With a solid focus on hands-on projects, LEARNING OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C# 5.0 is a comprehensive guide to all the most valuable features of C# 5.0. The book covers all the fundamentals, beginning with easy examples and gradually delving deeper into complex topics, providing the essential information you'll need to learn Visual C#. With the expert guidance of programmer, author, and teacher B.M. Harwani, you will explore the...

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    Từ khóa: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe

  • Fundamentals of Database Systems

    Fundamentals of Database Systems

    For database systems courses in Computer Science This book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database modeling and design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database system implementation techniques. The book is meant to be used as a textbook for a one- or...

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    Từ khóa: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe

  • Fundamentals of Database Systems

    Fundamentals of Database Systems

    This book introduces the fundamental concepts database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals od database modeling and design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database system implenmentation techniques

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    Từ khóa: Fundamentals of Database Systems

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