» Từ khóa: fashion drawing technique

Kết quả 1-3 trong khoảng 3
  • Essential fashion illustration

    Essential fashion illustration

    Learn how to draw posed figures for fashion illustration This comprehensive reference provides hands-on techniques for created posed figures for fashion illustration. Call no. : 741.672 E785

     6 p hcmute 27/06/2022 261 0

    Từ khóa: Fashion drawing -- Technique

  • Contemporary fashion illustration techniques

    Contemporary fashion illustration techniques

    Thoroughly describes the basics of fashion illustration, and covers the latest trends such as vivid images, sprightly movement, and garment material texture. From publisher description.

     9 p hcmute 31/05/2017 557 2

    Từ khóa: Fashion drawing, Technique. Fashion design.



    This book presents a step-by-step guide on how to use five of the most basic techniques - pencils, watercolours, pastels, gouache and markers - to represent and differentiate the wide variety of fabrics and materials seen on runways around the world. It includes more than 40 exercises demonstrated by talented illustrators. In addition, there are also digital illustrations and those done using mixed techniques. It's an ideal sourcebook for...

     4 p hcmute 30/05/2017 479 5

    Từ khóa: Fashion design, Fashion drawing, Technique

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