» Từ khóa: Diesel engine

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Application of AVL boost for simulation of biodiesel in diesel engine

    Application of AVL boost for simulation of biodiesel in diesel engine

    Application of AVL boost for simulation of biodiesel in diesel engine: Graduation project of Automotive engineering technology/ Le Quang Hoang Vu, Phan Thanh Phong; Ly Vinh Dat (Supervisor)--Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, 2024 Call no.: CKĐ-45 621.436 L433-V986

     111 p hcmute 25/09/2024 93 6

    Từ khóa: Automotive, Diesel engine, Ly Vinh Dat, Supervisor

  • Diesel Engine Management

    Diesel Engine Management

    This reference book provides a comprehensive insight into todays diesel injection systems and electronic control. It focusses on minimizing emissions and exhaust-gas treatment. Innovations by Bosch in the field of diesel-injection technology have made a significant contribution to the diesel boom. Calls for lower fuel consumption, reduced exhaust-gas emissions and quiet engines are making greater demands on the engine and fuel-injection systems.

     10 p hcmute 29/05/2020 348 2

    Từ khóa: Diesel Engine Management: Systems and Components;

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