» Từ khóa: Data transmission systems

Kết quả 1-5 trong khoảng 5
  • Data and computer communications

    Data and computer communications

    Data and Computer Communications" by William Stallings is a comprehensive guide to data communication and networking. The book covers various topics related to computer networks such as network architectures, protocols, and security. The book starts with an introduction to data communication and networking, followed by an overview of the Internet and its protocols. The author then covers various network architectures such as Ethernet, Token...

     20 p hcmute 09/05/2023 330 1

    Từ khóa: Computer networks, Data transmission systems.

  • Mechanics of materials

    Mechanics of materials

    Suitable for the teaching of solid mechanics, this book provides a precise presentation of the subject illustrated with numerous engineering examples that students both understand and relate to theory and application. It explains topics ranging from detailed examples, to the homework problems, to the carefully developed solutions manual.

     10 p hcmute 06/08/2020 290 1

    Từ khóa: Data transmission systems, Strength of materials

  • Introduction to digital and data communications

    Introduction to digital and data communications

    This text on the data and network communications field is intended to be a junior or senior level text in an Electronics Technology or Technician program. The main feature that will set this text apart is that it is designed to present a solid background in all aspects of current Data and Network Communications. Written in a clear and easy to understand style, this text includes coverage of the latest technologies not only in terms of software...

     11 p hcmute 08/07/2020 449 1

    Từ khóa: Data transmission systems, Digital communications.

  • Data and computer communications

    Data and computer communications

    This book includes: Data Communications, Data Networking, and the Internet, Protocol Architecture, TCP/IP, and Internet-Based Applications, Data Transmission, Transmission Media, Signal Encoding Techniques, Digital Data Communication Techniques, Data Link Control Protocols, Multiplexing, Spread Spectrum, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Routing in Switched Networks, Congestion Control in Data Networks, Cellular Wireless Networks , Local Area...

     13 p hcmute 08/07/2020 401 1

    Từ khóa: Computer networks, Data transmission systems.

  • Data communications and networks

    Data communications and networks

    Local area networks: an introduction. Local area networks: connectivity voice networks. Network operating systems. The internet.

     12 p hcmute 08/07/2020 404 1

    Từ khóa: Computer networks, Data transmission systems.

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