» Từ khóa: cooking japanese cooking korean

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Step by step Japanese and Korean cooking

    Step by step Japanese and Korean cooking

    Step by step Japanese and Korean cooking. -- 3rd ed. -- Hong Kong : Periplus Editions, 1996 64 tr. ; 21 cm ISBN 9789625934266 1. Cooking -- Japanese. 2. Cooking -- Korean. Dewey Class no. : 641.5952 -- dc 23 Call no. : 641.5952 S827

     3 p hcmute 24/08/2020 272 1

    Từ khóa: Cooking Japanese Cooking Korean

  • Step - by step Japanese and Korean cooing

    Step - by step Japanese and Korean cooing

    Originating in the same part of the world but very different in content and style, the dishes of Japan and Korea are surprisingly easy to prepare in our own homes. Once, authentic restaurants were rare outside Japan but now more and more people are falling in love with the cuisine. The simplicity and freshness of the ingredients, combined with the purity of the cooking methods, make it appealing to look at and ideal for a healthy lifestyle....

     8 p hcmute 28/03/2020 398 1

    Từ khóa: Japanese cooking; Korean cooing; Family Circle

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