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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems
With an emphasis on diagnosing and troubleshooting–and featuring numerous tech tips and diagnostic examples throughout–this comprehensive, full-color book covers all aspects of automotive fuel and emissions. Designed specifically to correlate with the NATEF program, and updated throughout to correlate to the latest NATEF and ASE tasks, Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems, 4/e combines topics in engine performance (ASE A8 content...
20 p hcmute 29/05/2020 648 4
Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems
This book is part of the Pearson Automotive Professional Technician Series, which features full-color, media-integrated solutions for today’s students and instructors covering all eight areas of ASE certification, plus additional titles covering common courses. Peer reviewed for technical accuracy, the series and the books in it represent the future of automotive textbooks...
11 p hcmute 20/03/2018 593 10