» Từ khóa: astronomy amateuds manuals

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • The star guide: Learn how to read the night sky star by star

    The star guide: Learn how to read the night sky star by star

    Demonstrates how to observe the stars with binoculars or the naked eye, introduces the main constellations, and describes how astronomers study the universe. An international bestseller for more than a decade, The Star Guide has been the bible for stargazers everywhere. Now, Robin Kerrod, one of the world's leading writers on astronomy and space, has expertly updated this invaluable resource to include the most recent developments in...

     4 p hcmute 21/07/2020 269 1

    Từ khóa: Astronomy -- Amateuds' manuals, Star -- Observers' manuals

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