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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
CNC programming: Principles and applications
A proven guide to computer-aided machining, CNC Programming: Principles and Applications has been revised to give readers the most up-to-date information on G- and M- code programming available today. This edition retains the book's comprehensive yet concise approach, offering an overview of the entire manufacturing process, from planning through code writing and setup. is the new edition includes expanded coverage of tooling, manufacturing...
9 p hcmute 21/05/2019 472 3
Từ khóa: CNC programming: Principles and applications, Michael W. Mattson
Policy applications and principles of public finance
Thought-Provoking Policy Studies: Appearing throughout the text and companion websites, this enlightening feature highlights current policy debates to better illustrate chapter content. Topics include the Samaritan''s Dilemma, IRAs, The European Union, Health Insurance Economies of Scale, Food-stamp Trafficking, Preserving Old-growth Forests, Municipal Bond Financing, Racketeering and Smuggling, and many tax-related issues, such as Tax Reform...
18 p hcmute 12/04/2019 382 1
Từ khóa: Policy applications and principles of public finance, John E. Anderson
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
12 p hcmute 02/08/2018 604 2
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
In writting this book, I was guided by my long-standing experience and interest in teaching discrete mathematics. For the student, my purpose was to present material in a precise, and demonstrated
12 p hcmute 02/08/2018 604 1
The Web Application Defender's Cookbook
The Web Application Defender's Cookbook is a consolidation of tutorial called recipes. The are designed to facilitate the expedient mitigation of the most critical vulner abilities and attack methods that cyber criminals use today.
17 p hcmute 01/08/2018 291 1
Service Quality Management: Theory and Application
Dr. Mauch is the president of Mauch & Associates, Quality Advisory Services. His experience in quality management system (QMS) development and education span's across a wide range of fields.. He holds a PhD in Total Quality Management, Masters in Science degree in Management and Bachelors of Art degree in Applied Behavioral Science including degrees in Data Processing and Business Management, along with Diploma's in Calibration and Electronic...
9 p hcmute 14/05/2018 593 2
Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications
The book covers the diverse chemical hazards encountered in the modern work and natural environment, and provides a practical understanding of these hazards for those concerned with protecting the health of humans and ecosystems...
8 p hcmute 30/03/2018 576 1
Từ khóa: Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications
Introduction to robotics : Analysis, control, applications
Robotic applications are drawn from a wide variety of fields. Emphasis is placed on design along with analysis and modeling. Kinematics and dynamics are covered extensively in an accessible style. Vision systems are discussed in detail, which is a cutting-edge area in robotics. Engineers will also find a running design project that reinforces the concepts by having them apply what they’ve learned.
9 p hcmute 26/03/2018 690 7
Từ khóa: Introduction to robotics : Analysis, control, applications
Digital systems : Principles and applications
Digital systems : Principles and applications / Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss, Ronald J. Tocci...
13 p hcmute 26/03/2018 485 5
Protective relaying : Principles and applications
Principles and Applications has been the go-to text for gaining proficiency in the technological fundamentals of power system protection. Continuing in the bestselling tradition of the previous editions by the late J. Lewis Blackburn, the Fourth Edition retains the core concepts at the heart of power system analysis.
19 p hcmute 26/03/2018 382 2
Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design
The new Third Edition of Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design provides a cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less. The text describes a variety of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by the new generation of power semiconductor devices...
12 p hcmute 22/03/2018 594 4
Từ khóa: Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design