» Từ khóa: animatiefilms

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Animation Unlimited : Innovative Short Films Since 1940

    Animation Unlimited : Innovative Short Films Since 1940

    Featuring 50 seminal short films by key animators from around the world, this book discusses the work of early pioneers such as Oskar Fischinger and Jan Svankmajer as well as contemporary animators such as Larry Cuba, Tim Hope and Run Wrake. All of the films included are independently produced personal work. Most of the featured directors make a living in commercial animation but, freed from the constraints of a client brief, they use their...

     17 p hcmute 31/05/2017 375 1

    Từ khóa: Animatiefilms, korte film.

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