» Từ khóa: adobe photoshop computer graphics

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 visual encyclopedia

    Adobe Photoshop CS2 visual encyclopedia

    If you prefer to see what things look like and how to perform a task, instead of just being told, this is your ideal A to Z reference. Part I shows every Photoshop CS2 tool and how to use it. Part II provides step-by-step instructions for more than 130 key tasks and techniques. Both are arranged alphabetically and illustrated in full color. It's the ultimate Visual resource-you'll see! Book jacket.

     12 p hcmute 30/07/2020 327 1

    Từ khóa: Adobe Photoshop Computer graphics.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 visual encyclopedia

    Adobe Photoshop CS2 visual encyclopedia

    "If you prefer to see what things look like and how to perform a task, instead of just being told, this is your ideal A to Z reference. Part I shows every Photoshop CS2 tool and how to use it. Part II provides step-by-step instructions for more than 130 key tasks and techniques. Both are arranged alphabetically and illustrated in full color. It's the ultimate Visual resource-you'll see! Book jacket."

     12 p hcmute 10/07/2020 277 1

    Từ khóa: Adobe Photoshop, Computer graphics.

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