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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Kết quả 1-12 trong khoảng 684
Applied Analysis and Differential Equations
Applied Analysis and Differential Equations : Lași, România, 4-9 September 2006/ Ovidiu Cârjă. -- New Jersey: World Scientific, 2007.- xii, 351p.; 24 cm Call no. : 515 O96
9 p hcmute 18/12/2024 67 0
Topics on stability and periodicity in abstract differential equations
Topics on stability and periodicity in abstract differential equations/ James H. Liu, Gaston M. N'Guérékata, Nguyen Van Minh. -- Singapore: World Scientific, 2008.- 208p.; 24 cm Call no. : 515.3522 L78
8 p hcmute 18/12/2024 56 0
The collected papers of Stephen Smale : Vol. 1
The collected papers of Stephen Smale : Vol. 1/ F. Cucker, R. Wong. -- Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2000.- xxxiv, 488p.; 26cm Call no. : 510 S635
11 p hcmute 18/12/2024 71 0
Nonnegative matrices, positive operators, and applications
Nonnegative matrices, positive operators, and applications / Jiu Ding, Aihui Zhou. -- London: World Scientific, 2009.- xvi, 345p.; 24cm Call no. : 512 D584
12 p hcmute 18/12/2024 60 0
The theory of multiple zeta values with applications in combinatorics
The theory of multiple zeta values with applications in combinatorics/ Minhking Eie. -- Singapore: World Scientific, 2013.- xii, 300p.; 24cm Call no. : 515.56 E346
10 p hcmute 18/12/2024 46 0
A Course in Discrete Mathematical Structures
A Course in Discrete Mathematical Structures/ L R Vermani, Shalini Vermani. -- Singapore: Imperial College Press, 2012.- xi, 626p.; 23cm Call no. : 512.2 L111
10 p hcmute 18/12/2024 50 0
Random polymer models/ Giambattista Giacomin. -- London: Imperial College Press, 2007.- xvi, 242p.; 24cm Call no. : 518.28 G429
12 p hcmute 18/12/2024 53 0
A long-run collaboration on long-run games
A long-run collaboration on long-run games/ Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine. -- Singapore: World Scientific 2009.- xxiii, 391p.; 24cm Call no. : 519.3 F952
7 p hcmute 18/12/2024 65 0
The birth of numerical analysis
The birth of numerical analysis/ Adhemar Bultheel, Ronald Cools. -- Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.- xvii, 221p.; 24 cm Call no. : 518 B619
15 p hcmute 18/12/2024 104 0
Computing in Euclidean geometry
Computing in Euclidean geometry/ Ding-Zhu Du, Frank Hwang. -- 2nd ed. -- Singapore: World Scientific, 1995.- xiii, 492p.; 22cm Call no. : 516.200285 D812
11 p hcmute 18/12/2024 49 0
Matrices and their roots : A textbook of matrix algebra
Matrices and their roots : A textbook of matrix algebra/ A.R.G. Heesterman. -- Singapore: World Scientific, 1990.- xxii, 444p.; 22cm Call no. : 512.9434 H459
7 p hcmute 18/12/2024 47 0
Quantum probability communications
Quantum probability communications/ R. L. Hudson, J. M. Lindsay, Ph.Biane, F.Fannes, B. Kummerer, H. Maassen, D.Petz. -- London: World Scientific, 1998.- 363p.; 24cm Call no. : 519.23 L748
6 p hcmute 18/12/2024 78 0