The solution of the k(GV) problem

The solution of the k(GV) problem/ Peter Schmid. -- London: Imperial College Press; Singapore; Hackensack, NJ: Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2007.
Call no. : 515.7223 S348
Summary:The k(GV) conjecture claims that the number of conjugacy classes (irreducible characters) of the semidirect product GV is bounded above by the order of V. Here V is a finite vector space and G a subgroup of GL(V) of order prime to that of V. It may be regarded as the special case of Brauer's celebrated k(B) problem dealing with p-blocks B of p-solvable groups (p a prime). Whereas Brauer's problem is still open in its generality, the k(GV) problem has recently been solved, completing the work of a series of aut

Từ khóa: Kernel functions

12 p ovanketv4 06/09/2024 196 0

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