Asphalt rheology:Relationship to mixture A symposium spondsored by ASTM Committee D-4 on road and paving materiels nashville, TN, 11 Dec.1985. -- 1st ed

Asphalt rheology:Relationship to mixture A symposium spondsored by ASTM Committee D-4 on road and paving materiels nashville, TN, 11 Dec.1985. -- 1st ed. -- Philadelphia: ASTM, 1987.
203p.; 22cm.
ISBN 0 8031 0938 5

1. Asphalt -- Rheology -- Congresses. 2. Asphalt concrete -- Testing -- Congresses. 3. Nhựa đường. 4. Pavements, Asphalt -- Congresses. I. Briscoe, Oliver E.

Dewey Class no. : 625.85 -- dc 21
Call no. : 625.85 A839

Dữ liệu xếp giá
SKN003204 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
SKN003210 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

Từ khóa: Automotive trade

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