• Nghiên cứu điều chế vật liệu hấp phụ sinh học để loại bỏ ion kim loại nặng độc trong môi trường nƣớc bị ô nhiễm.

    Nghiên cứu điều chế vật liệu hấp phụ sinh học để loại bỏ ion kim loại  nặng độc trong môi trường nƣớc bị ô nhiễm.

    1. Đã nghiên cứu đầy đủ các tham số ảnh hƣởng đến quá trình hấp phụ của Cr(VI) bằng chitosan biến tính. Nghiên cứu xác định ảnh hƣởng của các tham số như pH, nồng độ ion kim loại, thời gian tiếp xúc và nhiệt độ đã đƣợc thực hiện. 2. Nghiên cứu động học hấp phụ tuân theo động học giả bậc hai. Nghiên cứu đẳng nhiệt hấp phụ cho...

     22 p hcmute 14/05/2018 579 5

  • Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook

    Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook

    Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook, Second Edition helps combat the solution problem with extensive coverage of air pollution control processes. Fully updated with new legislation, air regulations, and extensive reviews of the design of control equipment, this book serves as an ideal reference for industry professionals or anyone with an engineering or science background needing a basic introduction to air pollution control equipment...

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  • Introduction to Environmental Engineering

    Introduction to Environmental Engineering

    This third edition highlights sustainable development and emphasizes the need for engineers to become even more environmentally responsible during this time of increasing awareness of environmental concerns. The authors challenge students with problems that require not only a technical solution but a thorough consideration of its ethical ramifications. The text also provides comprehensive exposure to all types of environmental problems,...

     14 p hcmute 04/04/2018 796 4

  • Hydraulic Structures

    Hydraulic Structures

    The book is primarily intended for engineers, undergraduate and graduate students in the field of civil and hydraulic engineering who are faced with the challenges of extending our understanding of hydraulic structures ranging from traditional to groundbreaking, as well as designing, constructing and managing safe, durable hydraulic structures that are economical and environmentally friendly...

     21 p hcmute 30/03/2018 389 1

  • Soil Pollution: Origin, Monitoring & Remediation

    Soil Pollution: Origin, Monitoring & Remediation

    The book may continue to serve the needs of students and professionals alike interested in the subject of soil pollution. Ibrahim A. Mirsal Preface to the First Edition Whoever has enjoyed following the legendary duel between the Egyptian Pharaoh and his magicians (Alchemists) on one side, and Moses and his brother Aaron on the other, as is vividly narrated in the Bible, must have realised that people (at least those living at, or near the...

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  • Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

    Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

    Practical approach to EIA provides students with real-world examples and step-by-step guidance on how to conduct environmental assessments, preparing them for work in the field...

     8 p hcmute 30/03/2018 460 1

  • Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications

    Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications

    The book covers the diverse chemical hazards encountered in the modern work and natural environment, and provides a practical understanding of these hazards for those concerned with protecting the health of humans and ecosystems...

     8 p hcmute 30/03/2018 544 1

  • Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support : State of the Art and New Perspectives

    Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support : State of the Art and New Perspectives

    Modeling and software have become key instruments used to promote sustainability and improve environmental decision processes, especially through systematic integration of various knowledge and data and their ability to foster learning and help make predictions. This book presents the current state-of-the-art in environmental modeling and software and identifies the future challenges in the field...

     15 p hcmute 30/03/2018 556 4

  • GIS for Environmental Management

    GIS for Environmental Management

    This look at complex environmental challenges and their increasingly sophisticated technological solutions explores case studies of the most innovative geographic information system (GIS) projects yet devised by governments, businesses, and individuals. Each study showcases GIS solutions, yet balances the technology with practical human applications...

     6 p hcmute 30/03/2018 523 1

  • Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics: Eco-technological Practices for Sustainable Development

    Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics: Eco-technological Practices for Sustainable Development

    Water is a precious natural resource, which is crucial to our survival. It needs to be used judiciously in the context of an increasing population not only to sustain essential requirements such as those for drinking and domestic usage, but also for increased food production, industrial usage, power generation, navigational requirements, pisciculture, recreation, landscaping etc.

     8 p hcmute 30/03/2018 469 1

  • Wastewater microbiology

    Wastewater microbiology

    Wastewater Microbiology focuses on microbial contaminants found in wastewater, methods of detection for these contaminants, and methods of cleansing water of microbial contamination...

     11 p hcmute 30/03/2018 378 3

  • Chemical Engineering for Non-Chemical Engineers

    Chemical Engineering for Non-Chemical Engineers

    Chemical engineering is a skill and profession in widespread within chemical manufacturing, oil and gas refining and processing, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, plastics production and use, electronics manufacturing, as well as in new energy recovery and generation technologies.

     10 p hcmute 30/03/2018 549 1

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