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Xã hội học đại cương : [ Giáo trình dùng cho sinh viên đại học chính quy]
Trình bày những kiến thức cơ bản và nâng cao xoay quanh xã hội học. Sách có tại thư viện khu A, phòng mượn Số phân loại: 301 N573-H987
7 p hcmute 16/11/2020 267 0
Từ khóa: Xã hội học, Xã hội học - Giáo trình, tập bài giảng, v.v... .
Cuốn sách giúp bạn đọc nhanh chóng tìm hiểu và khám phá các ứng dụng của trình diễn hoạt Vray, Mental Ray trong công việc. Đây là tập n1 của bộ sách, trọng tâm là giới thiệu cách dùng Mental Ray. Sách có tại Thư viện khu A, phòng mượn Số phân loại: 006.6 N576-T771
6 p hcmute 10/11/2020 339 1
This text provides chemical engineers with process control techniques that are used in practice while offering detailed mathematical analysis. Numerous examples and simulations are used to illustrate key theoretical concepts. New exercises are integrated throughout several chapters to reinforce concepts. Up-to-date information is also included on real-time optimization and model predictive control to highlight the significant impact these...
9 p hcmute 24/08/2020 574 2
Từ khóa: Computer simulation, Control systems, Dynamics, Engineering, Engineering design, Machine design, Management information systems, Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering -- Computer simulation, Mechanical movements, Mechanics, Applied, Mechatronics, Microcomputers, Microsoft .NET Framework, Physics, Process control, Process monitoring, Programming languages (Electronic computers), System design, Textbooks. I. Edgar, Thomas F. II. Kraige, L. G. III. Mellichamp, Duncan A. IV. Richmond, Kristof. V. Seborg, Dale E.
Introduction to the relativistic string theory
Contents of this book was guided undoubtedly by our scientific interests. Apart from the most important, in our opinion, facts of the relativistic string theory, in this book we expound our original studies, in particular, those including the theory of an open bosonic string in external electromagnetic field, investigation of the string in the de Sitter space-time, the Cartan method of describing the classical dynamics of the string, and the...
8 p hcmute 21/07/2020 301 1
Từ khóa: Particles Nuclear physics, Quantum theory, String models, Vật lý hạt nhân. I. Nesterenko, V. V.
Handbook of Stochastic Analysis and Applications : Textbook and Monogaphys
Offers an introduction to general theories of stochastic processes and modern martingale theory. This title focuses on consistency, stability and contractive under geometric invariance in numerical analysis. It discusses problems related to implementation, simulation, variable step size algorithms, and random number generation.
15 p hcmute 21/07/2020 240 1
Từ khóa: Stochastic analysis. I. Kannan, D. II. Lakshmikantham, V
With its "How Science Works" theme, 21st Century Astronomy emphasizes the process of scientific thinking and the relevance of scientific observations. The authors showcase the excitement of contemporary astronomy and encourage readers to consider both the methods and the goals of scientific research.
16 p hcmute 21/07/2020 302 1
Từ khóa: Astronomy, Solar system, I. Blumenthal, Geoprge. II. Burstein, David. III. Greeley, ronald. IV. Hester, Jeff. V. Smith, Bradford
Chemistry for engineering students : Student solutions manual and study guide
Using this STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL AND STUDY GUIDE, you can study more effectively and improve your performance at exam time! This comprehensive guide walks you through the step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems in the text. Because the best way for you to learn and understand the concepts is to work multiple, relevant problems on a daily basis and to have reinforcement of important topics and concepts from the...
6 p hcmute 20/07/2020 390 4
Từ khóa: Chemistry, Chemistry. I. Holme, Thomas A. II. Title: Chemistry for engineering students : . III. Title: Student solutions manual and study guide / . IV. Title: Lawrence S. Brown, Thomas A. Holme; prepared by Steve Rathbone. V. Title: .
Complex variables and applications
This text is part of the International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. It is designed for junior, senior, and first-year graduate students in mathematics and engineering. Topics include complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary functions, and integrals.
9 p hcmute 20/07/2020 166 1
Từ khóa: Functionsof complex variables, Phương trình biến phức. I. Churchill, Ruel V.
Introduction to data processing
This book was written to provide such a text for class use or for independent study. The book was planned with three major objectives: (2) To provide readers possessing only general interest in the subject with a broad insight into the nature of data processing—its objectives, techniques, applications, and results. (3) To increase the occupational effectiveness of readers whose work demands that they be conversant with data processing...
7 p hcmute 20/07/2020 238 1
Từ khóa: Toán ứng dụng, Toán chương trình. I. Hill, Harold C. II. Nichols, Aylmer V
Essentials of modern business statistics: With Microsoft Office Excel
Discover an accessible introduction to business statistics as ESSENTIALS OF MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS, 7E balances a conceptual understanding of statistics with real-world applications of statistical methodology. The book integrates Microsoft Excel 2016, providing step-by-step instructions and screen captures to help you master the latest Excel tools. Extremely reader-friendly, this edition includes numerous tools to maximize your course...
22 p hcmute 20/07/2020 556 2
Từ khóa: Commercial statistics, Commercial statistics -- Computer programs, Microsoft Excel. I. Anderson, David R. II. Camm, Jeffrey D. . III. Cochran, James J. IV. Sweeney, Dennis J. . V. Williams, Thomas A
Essentials of business statistics
Helps you illustrate an accurate view of business statistics in a way that students can easily understand. This book also helps to alleviate student anxiety in learning new concepts and enhances overall comprehesion
10 p hcmute 20/07/2020 323 1
Từ khóa: Commercial statistics. I. Bowerman, Bruce L. II. Huchendorf, Steven C. III. O'Connell, Richard T. . IV. Orris, J. B. . V. Porter, Dawn C. VI. Schur, Patrick J.
The primary objectives of this book are:To provide a broad insight into the many techniques and applications of modern data processing for those desiring a general knowledge of this important and dynamic field.To provide a good foundation for those planning further study in specific areas of data processing.The book is designed for use as a text in basic data processing classes or for independent study.
15 p hcmute 20/07/2020 259 1
Từ khóa: Toán ứng dụng, Toán chương trình. I. Hill, Harold C. II. Nichols, Aylmer V.